The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 292: Space station project

On September 5, Zhou Yu and Lu Jinming came to the National Space Administration.

After the mass projector was officially put into operation, it has successfully launched more than 20 times, and the relevant state departments have also recognized the capabilities of the mass projector.

The country has already prepared a space strategy, and discovered that mass projector, an efficient transportation method, directly advances related strategic plans.

Zhou Yu and Lu Jinming came to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration today when the state launched the space station program to build a large space station of its own.

China National Aeronautics and Space Administration invited people from Huaxia Aerospace, including Spark Space.

Zhou Yu, they came to the meeting room and found that a lot of people had arrived in the meeting room.

Among them are well-known individuals, including Feng Hai, director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Fang Ming, chairman of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Ouyang Xin, aerospace expert from the Academy of Engineering, and Song Ning, director of the astronaut training base.

Zhou Yu was sitting in his position, this is the front left of the long table.

He immediately greeted everyone: "There is a traffic jam on the road, coming a little later, delaying everyone's time."

Feng Hai said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, you haven't arrived late, and the time is just right. We will now discuss the Huaxia space station plan.

We formally complete the plan before we can give it to the leadership for approval and officially launch the plan. "

After he finished speaking, he turned to Zhou Yu and asked, "Mr. Zhou, the carrying capacity of your Spark Projector's mass projector is too efficient. Even if you build a city in space, this carrying capacity is sufficient.

But can your mass projector only carry goods? Can't it carry people? "

Zhou Yu waved his hand immediately and said, "We also want mass projectors to carry astronauts, but the reality does not allow us to do so.

At present, the success rate of gravitational traction technology is still not high, and no astronaut can withstand such repeated toss.

The initial velocity of an object launched by a mass projector is also very large, and its acceleration can reach about 100 G. Even a trained astronaut, the maximum acceleration he can withstand is only 10 G.

This is almost the physiological limit of human beings. If the acceleration increases again, it will cause certain damage to human tissues and organs and directly affect the state of the astronauts.

When technology advances in the future, it may be possible to use mass projectors to carry astronauts, but now they can only carry cargo. "

Ouyang Xin nodded and said, "Xinghuo Technology has done a good job now, and can provide huge supplies, which can ensure the normal operation of the space station.

The ISS rotation usually takes about one year.

Relying on the strength of our country's aerospace, launching 2 to 3 manned space missions per year is perfectly fine. "

Fang Ming also said: "We, the Aerospace Science and Technology Group and our fraternal units, have cooperated together, especially in recent years, the country's scientific and technological progress.

Let us develop more efficient launch vehicles and manned spacecraft, which can guarantee the perfect success of manned space missions.

Our country's manned space mission has always maintained a 100% success rate. With the joint efforts of our astronauts, this success rate will still be guaranteed in the future.

The hard-trained astronauts will never be sacrificed for no reason because of our mistakes. "

"Manned spaceflight must be foolproof and mature technology must be used.

We ca n’t let the astronauts we train so hard take risks. It is very difficult to train an astronaut. As a big country with a population of 1.4 billion, it is very difficult to find an astronaut that perfectly meets various requirements.

The value of an astronaut is more important than a manned spacecraft. There must be choice. It is better to protect a person than to protect a spacecraft.

Especially an experienced astronaut, he can train more astronauts as instructors, the value is inestimable. "

Song Ning, director of the astronaut training area, put forward his views.

Many experts present discussed the space station plan carefully, and each person made some suggestions to gradually turn the space station idea into a feasible plan.

After Feng Hai saw everyone discussing it, he concluded: "The space station plan has already taken shape.

The freight was left to Spark Aerospace, which was responsible for their mass projectors.

Some precision instruments and intelligent robots needed by the space station are given to Spark Technology.

The scientific research plan carried out by the space station is assigned to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Director Song Ning needs to speed up the training of astronauts. This plan has been approved by the leaders, and preparations will be completed soon. The status of the astronauts must be at its peak.

The aerospace science and technology group and other related companies cooperate with the Hainan Wenchang Space Center and are responsible for the related tasks of the manned spacecraft.

We must ensure that the project is 100% successful and fight this tough battle at all costs.

Do you have any other requests? Just ask me now and I will report to the leaders. "

Zhou Yu gestured to Lu Jinming with his eyes, so that he began to put forward the requirements of Spark Technology.

Lu Jinming spoke for the first time on this occasion, saying: "Director Feng, in order to verify whether the mass projector has the ability to build a space station, we need to conduct some experiments in space in advance."

Of course, this request was made by his subordinate, so even if he refused, there was room for maneuver.

Feng Hai nodded and said, "I will report this request to the leaders above."

Fang Ming said, "Most of the launch vehicles and manned spacecraft are mature technologies, but some technologies are out of date and we have adopted new technologies.

Many experiments must be conducted to ensure the safety and reliability of the new technology before it can be used in formal manned space missions. "

"This is what it should be. It must be absolutely secure, and manned space flight must not be impatient." Ouyang Xin praised.

Feng Hai also nodded and said, "I will report to the leaders, and I must prepare in advance at any time.

I was approved by the leader for the construction of the space station, and it will be launched within one year. You must make good use of this time to complete the testing of the equipment. "

Everyone made some changes to the space station plan based on what they discussed ~

Zhou Yu proposed that quantum computers use the function of quantum simulation calculation to sort out the space station plan.

They handed the final space station plan to a quantum computer for simulation calculations.

The quantum computer supplemented some of the details of the plan, identified many fatal vulnerabilities, and modified the vulnerabilities.

A very complete space station plan was formed, and this meeting achieved its purpose.

Feng Hai handed over the space station plan formed at this meeting to the leaders.

The leaders were very pleased to see this plan, and immediately agreed to follow this plan and start to build Huaxia's own space station.

There is a multi-national cooperation space station in the world, but this space station is dominated by the United States. One of the characteristics is that it does not take Huaxia to play. Huaxia's astronauts can't even be on the International Space Station.

Huaxia can only seek to establish a space station by itself, and independent development is the right path.

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