The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1012: Seeing you put your arms in your arms, Ben Wang allowed

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

But she couldn't bear it. As long as she thought of Xi Jin, she couldn't bear it. She just felt that a heart was being held by a knife all the time, and she was choking again and again. .

When she hurt, Feng Tianlan was happy.

After leaving the palace, Feng Tianlan took Simo Bai to Shen's house, and went to the yard where she lived. "Mo Bai, this was where I lived before, and my father designed it for me."

"You used to like peony flowers?" Si Mobai looked at the peony flowers in the courtyard.

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "But I like white orchids now."

"Yunyi also likes peony flowers." Si Mobai stood by the swing, which was also covered with fake wisteria flowers, and was cleaned very clean, without any dust, he couldn't help thinking about it, small Laner, sitting on top of the scene.

Yun Yi also likes peony flowers. She knows that in her dreams, all the peony flowers are in front of the palace, but now she doesn't like it because she is infected with too much peony flowers.

The death of the biological mother is related to the peony. When Tu Xiang died, there was a peony flower on his face, which was like a sign of death, so she did not like the peony flower.

Moreover, there is the reason for the white ink. Now she likes white orchids, she is pure white, and she looks happy.

"I like white orchids now." Feng Tianlan squinted and saw Sima Bai shaking the swing gently, and said, "Peony was planted by Xi Jin himself, and the swing was also taken by him ..."

As soon as the words fell, they heard a bang, and the whole swing, even with the wisteria flowers arranged, fell down.

"Uh ..." Feng Tianlan froze.

Si Mobai raised her eyes and gave her a light glance, raised her hand, and turned her psychic power into a hurricane. She gently swiped, and the peony flowers in the garden faded instantly, floating in the air, and the petals fell, but then those peony flowers were completely Was uprooted, and then a hurricane passed, and half of the peony flowers could not be seen. All of them were rolled into a ball and thrown in the corner. Then it was burned with a fire, and after a while Ashes.

"..." Feng Tianlan looked up at Si Mobai, and shouted helplessly for a while, "Mo Bai ..."

Si Mobai looked at the courtyard that was empty for a moment, and he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. He looked better at Feng Tianlan, "What else is Xi Jin doing and sending?"

"Are you jealous?" Feng Tianlan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his face.

Sima Bai snorted softly, "Why, King is jealous, and I still need your permission?"

"Haha." Feng Tianlan came forward with a smile, hugged Si Mobai's waist, and stared up at him with stars staring up. "Oh, you're so jealous, so cute."

"Funny, how can you say that a man is cute." Si Mobai cast a low light on her, but when she saw her smile, the gas blocked in her heart disappeared instantly. When he destroyed these, he worried that she would get angry. Here it comes.

"It can only be cute in front of me." Feng Tianlan tiptoeed and hugged his neck, and then the whole person jumped and hung on his body. She found that she liked to hold Mo Bai like this.

Sima Bai reached out and caught her. "Looking at you for your favor, Wang allowed me."

"Go, go and show you my room." Feng Tianlan pointed to the room.

"My king is going to throw away all the things that Xi Jin sent." Sima Bai said arrogantly.

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