Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Seeing the red dress and the familiar figure, Su Jingfeng stopped outside and looked at the red shadow, only to feel as if struck in his throat, like all the memories, his brain returned to his mind.

He wanted to shout Yuner, but he opened his mouth, but no matter how, he could n’t yell out. For fear of shouting, she disappeared. In the dream, she had left him too many times. This has made He was scared.

Therefore, at this time he dared to do so, quietly watching the familiar back in front of him.

It seemed to feel the eyes behind her, and she seemed to know that someone was standing behind her. The red shadow turned around and opened a pair of phoenix eyes bright like stars, looking at Su Jingfeng in front of her slightly doubtfully.

Seeing her turning, Su Jingfeng couldn't help but shivered, "Yuner!"

It is really Yuner. There is a drop of cinnabar mole between her eyebrows. It is in full swing, and it seems to be able to bloom into a enchanting flower at any time. Just like a thousand years ago, when he first met her, she was on the cliff like this, and she looked at him with such confusion.

And her red dress also outlines the peony flower she has always loved. All these prove that she is the Yuner he is looking for. This is his Yuner.

Thinking about it this way, Su Jingfeng came forward excitedly to hug her, "Yuner."

The girl took a step back in shock at his behavior, raised her eyes and glared at him angrily, "You don't come over."

"I'm not there, don't move, don't move." Su Jingfeng looked at her little feet, only one step away from the cliff, and scared his heart up, which reminded him of a thousand years ago When Yuner left in order to protect the boundlessness, he put his sword around his neck and threatened him.

How a thousand years have passed, she has been reborn and reborn. She also likes to use her death to threaten him. She is really mad at him, but she just met each other and couldn't bear to blame her.

The girl stared at Su Jingfeng. Her red eyes were as bright as rubies, her silver hair fluttered in the wind like satin, and her cold face made her feel familiar. She turned her head slightly and looked at him for a long time, not very OK, "Wind ... Wind Brother?"

Hearing the girl's shout, Su Jingfeng's eyes widened and became excited, "You ... you remember me, Yuner you remember me, I knew that the person you love is me, but ..."

In the latter words, Su Jingfeng did not say any more, and there was no need to say that it was so easy to get together with Yuner, not to mention the unpleasant thing, not to mention the unpleasant person.

The girl frowned, and looked at him doubtfully, "But your hair and eyes are not what I dreamed of, are you really Brother Wind?"

Since she was ten years old, she often dreamed of something. She in red, she who likes peony flowers, a man named Brother Feng, but in the dream, she couldn't hear what they were talking about, and dreamed back and forth. Those dreams.

Especially the brother Feng, dreaming more, but brother Feng in the dream, hair and eyes are black, how can it be silver-haired red eyes now.

Su Jingfeng grabbed his silver hair, "You don't like it, I'll dye it black with ink."

Silver-haired red eyes were the sequelae of his severely wounded, signing a destiny contract with Su Xue, and then sealing himself.

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