The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1026: Shen Qingdai's father and mother are not dead?

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan looked up calmly, not at all thinking that she appeared in front of him in this way, which reminded her of the past life. The Emperor Dongshu was also very forgiving to her, and the empress also loved her very much. She did not regard her as an outsider, and her pet was not lost to Celine at all.

Really, if it was n’t for their status, they would be mistaken for their pampering of her, and would mistake them for her parents. But now that this kind of thing happens, the past affection is the same as Shen Bokang ’s affection for her, making her feel Nausea made her feel resentful.

Why are they good to each one with all kinds of purposes, atonement and deception, and she is like a fool, still gratitude and morality, and even with her children.

"I thought you would come after that day. I didn't expect it to be so late." The Emperor Dongshu looked at Simobai next to her, and then looked at her. There was no confusion in his eyes, only calmness and a touch Pleased.

Feng Tianlan looked at him like this, but felt that an anger in her heart was burning her, "Do you think I'm too stupid, are you still being deceived?"

She had an idea for a long time, but she did n’t dare to think about it. She would rather believe that she would be able to teach good people like Jin Jin and Xi Lin to come, but it ’s not a bad person, but now ...

She was deceived again. Feng Tianlan had a anger. She wanted to overthrow the Imperial Study and to overthrow the Eastern Shu Kingdom. It seemed that only in this way could her anger be extinguished.

"Your father and mother are not dead," said Emperor Dongshu Shen Sheng.

"You ... what are you talking about?" Feng Tianlan looked up at him in shock, and then froze his eyes again, and ice in his hand suddenly pointed at him, "You want to lie to me again!"

She shouldn't talk nonsense to him!

The emperor Dongshu looked at the ice in her hands without any panic. "In fact, this thing should have been told two years ago, after you and Li Li, who knows what happened, and I think it will never happen again in this life. Unable to say, I did not expect to have a chance. "

Feng Tianlan gave a cold cry, "Do you think I will still believe you?"

And Li Li, and Li Li, this has nothing to do with her Li Li.

"Then you should at least listen to the uncle, as Shen Yunya said, since it is an accomplice, then there is still a real murderer, don't you want to know?" The emperor Dongshu still looked at her calmly, "You don't want to be so impulsive, This will make you lose your mind. Whenever people are calm, they can do good things. "

Feng Tianlan stared coldly and glared at him, she didn't need him to preach to her, she couldn't turn her!

"Laner, listen to him first." Si Mobai reached out and held Feng Tianlan's hand and took down the ice in her hand. For more than a month, no matter what method they used, Shen Bokang didn't say the real murderer. .

Therefore, Shen Bokang probably does not work.

The cold hands were covered with warm hands, and the gentle voice, like a warm current, extinguished the anger in her heart. She looked at the Emperor Dongshu with a sneer, "I want to see you, how to quibble."

The Emperor Dongshu was still not annoyed. He stood up and walked towards Feng Tianlan. Sima Bai subconsciously stood in front of her, guarding her safety, and looked at him coldly.

"This is when your mother is leaving, so I will wait for you and give it to you." The Emperor Dongshu pulled out a letter from Najie and handed it to her, "In fact, you are so good, At least your father and mother have hope. "

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