The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1028: Is Luo Shiyun's child Xi Jin's?

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

"Furthermore, after she said it, I only knew that Xuantian Continent originally had a country called Tianfeng, a country with terrorist power, so I still don't know how many."

Feng Tianlan still looked at him questioningly, because he didn't know how much truth was in his words.

"With your current ability, it's not difficult to break into the tower of heaven and earth, for a maximum of three years, if you go, you will know that your words are true. You have to guard the mountains and rivers of Dongshu, and you can't go anywhere. If after three years, you still feel that you are lying, you can come to find revenge. "Emperor Dongshu said very frankly, because what he said is true.

Feng Tianlan looked down at the envelope, and it read that my son was pro-initiated. At that time, she was still young and did not remember her mother ’s handwriting. But since Mo Bai said, the spiritual power of the seal and the spiritual power of peace are The same, then nothing can be wrong.

"I believe you for the time being." Feng Tianlan looked up at him and said, but she was really relieved, really, she was afraid that she would fall in love with Xilin because of this. After all, She really loves her sister Lin.

At this moment, the eunuch's voice rang out of the door.

As soon as the words fell, the red door was pushed open. Xi Jin ran in with sweat, anxiously, "Father Emperor ..."

"Prince Jin." Feng Tianlan looked up at Xi Jin lightly.

After hearing the shout, Xi Jin only saw Feng Tianlan and Simo Bai, and then looked at his father, and he felt a little frustrated for a while, "You ..."

He heard the obituary of Yu Linjun, saying that Feng Tianlan went to see Shen Yunya, and said that the father was the accomplice to kill Daier's parents. Daier came to seek revenge from his father. .

He was really afraid that if something like this happened, he and she would go in two directions again. At that time, he would really only be able to meet each other. That was the last thing he wanted to see.

"Because of Shen Yunya's words?" Feng Tianlan looked at Xi Jin.

Xi Jin nodded his head, slightly clenched his fist, and his heart was too tense. "If my father did something, I'll pay it back, so Liner won't have to worry."

She doesn't have to be embarrassed, and Liner doesn't have to be embarrassed, and can resolve two grievances.

Feng Tianlan smiled, "Why would you listen to Shen Yunya's remarks? There is no evidence at this time, and I won't miss her."

"Dair ..."

"Prince Jin, I'm Feng Tianlan. I was Feng Tianlan more than three years ago." Feng Tianlan solemnly said her identity, Daier is her previous life, she is a brand new person now, so I do n’t want to Use past life identity.

Xi Jin looked at her and nodded, "Tian Lan."

Feng Tianlan turned to bid farewell to the emperor, and Xi Jin followed closely behind them. She wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Prince Jin, the child in Luo's concubine's belly, is it yours?" Feng Tianlan and Si Mobai's ten fingers were fastened. They had no previous thoughts, but at this time they wanted to ask.

Xi Jin froze and looked at her with a pale face, then nodded, "Yes."

Later, he went to the master again, and he asked the master if he wanted to hear the sound and see everything before and after, what he needed to pay.

At that time, the words of the state teacher shocked him, but he did not hesitate to agree.

Since he had to pay that price, and he refused to marry any woman, and wanted to leave a grandson for his father and queen, he ended up rounding off with Luo Shiyun.

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