The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1052: Her strange connection with Feng Yunsheng

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Si Mobai looked up at Su Jingfeng, knowing what he said, but he didn't need to care, "She is the Laner of the King and has nothing to do with it."

"That's the best." Su Jingfeng snorted coldly. "You'd better not grab Shenger with Gu."

One person is the best. You don't have to fight for the sake of grabbing Yuner.

Sima Bai said his lips lightly. "You better restrain yourself. Don't come to fight with the king in the end."

Feng Yunsheng listened to the words of the two, looked up at them, and then left Su Jingfeng's hand and left.

"Shenger." Su Jingfeng quickly chased him up, but when he reached the yard, he couldn't help but glance at Feng Tianlan. She looked so pure and flawless under the white orchid, like a fairy.

Just looking at it, Su Jingfeng couldn't keep his eyes open. I thought last night because of this extra glance, he didn't catch up with Sheng Er, he stopped nostalgic, and quickly set aside his eyes to chase Feng Yunsheng.

Feng Tianlan raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and looked at Si Mobai, "Mo Bai, do you think it's strange?"

"Laner refers to Feng Yunsheng?" Si Mobai raised his eyes and looked at the direction in which they left, converging his eyes, thinking about the strangeness among them.

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "You say that she is my sister, looks so much, and indeed said the past, but my current body is not Shen Qingdai, really looks like it, should look like my previous life. How can you look like this body? "

This is a place she can't figure out, and she has a surname of Feng, shouldn't she be Shen?

"Lan Er's previous life looks like her husband has never seen." Si Mobai looked down at Feng Tianlan, his skin was like fat, his lips were like cherry blossoms, and when he was dressed in white, he looked soothed and clean.

Feng Tianlan frowned for a moment and thought, "Anyway, it doesn't look good now, but it doesn't look like me, otherwise, it would have been recognized already."

So, this is even stranger.

"What did Lan Lan think?" Si Mobai thought for a while, but couldn't figure out the connection.

Feng Tianlan shook her head slightly. "She has a cinnabar mole on her eyebrow."

"When the seal was released for her husband, the cinnabar mole disappeared." Si Mobai thought she minded that he had the same place as Feng Yunsheng, so he thought about breaking the seal.

Feng Tianlan took his hand very busy, "Do n’t make a fool, the seal cannot be messed up. I don't mind this. I remember the woman looking for Feishange and Wuzhengcheng, or there is a cinnabar mole in the eyebrow. Lin Suyin also ordered cinnabar on purpose, and also imitated my appearance. "

What she minds is the cinnabar between the eyebrows, she just can't figure out the relationship between her and Feng Yunsheng, Mo Bai said she is the Yunyi of the previous life, but now there is another, so similar, there are cinnabar moles between the brows ...

And the lunatic is sure, Feng Yunsheng is Yun Yi, that's true, but what is she dreaming about?

"Maybe she is the second Lin Suyin?" Si Mobai raised her eyebrows and looked at her, then stretched out her hands and pinched her nose. "Well, don't think about this, are you Yun Yi? It's not important. He found Yun Yi, that's the best. He has his Feng Yunsheng. He has you for her husband. No one robs you for her husband. This is the best result. "

He is very satisfied with the current results, one person per person, without disturbing each other, and having their own favorite people. This result is very good.

Feng Tianlan smiled and said, "Anyway, I don't think I am Yun Yi."

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