The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1055: Helian Wong begging for Celine's whereabouts

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He Lianhuang glanced at her, more anxious, "You let me think about it, I'll say it again."

Being a man must be responsible and responsible. He accidentally enlarged Zhaoyang's belly. She is a princess of a country. When things are revealed, will she be a weak woman to face the invisible killing public opinion?

As long as I think that Princess Zhaoyang's thin body will be drowned by those saliva because of him, he will be very uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable.

He couldn't be so cowardly and couldn't let her face the storm alone. She was because of him. He had to bear the responsibility of a man, even if ...

"Tian Lan, is he good to you?" Helian Huang looked up at Feng Tian Lan.

Feng Tianlan frowned and smiled happily. "Mo Bai is very good to me. When I get married, I will invite you to have a drink. When the time comes, don't be too small."

Listening to her words, Helian Phoenix only felt a heart strained, uncomfortable and unable to breathe, but soon another string loosened, and gave him room to breathe, he barely smiled, "Then Well, there is no shortage of courtesy. "

Feng Tianlan looked up at him quietly, without reminding him, let him think, after he finished speaking, she would talk again.

Helian Huang again scratched her neck and clenched her fists, and seemed to have gathered all the courage before making courage. "Tianlan, you are as good as Zhaoyang, then you must know where she is going, right? "

"Sister Lin went on a tour." Feng Tianlan returned without a positive answer.

"No, she must have told you that on the night of May 12th, she wasn't to travel, she was ..." Facing Feng Tianlan's bright eyes, Helian Phoenix only felt the courage to be summoned, immediately Like a ball, a thousand miles away, he immediately persuaded.

Feng Tianlan looked at him like this, and frowned lightly, Shen said, "Sister Lin really traveled, and was sent by Prince Jin. Do you have anything to do with her?"

"Then tell me how to contact her, okay?" He Lianhuang was anxious when she heard the tour, "I have something urgent to find her."

Zhaoyang is pregnant. It should be more than four months now, and her belly is pregnant. If it is later, the child may be born. He must find her as soon as possible, at least not when she is alone. As a child's father, he should be by his side.

"No." Feng Tianlan replied lightly. "What's so urgent, you can find Prince Jin, maybe he knows."

"No, he can't know about it." Helianho was anxious, but he didn't want to say it.

Feng Tianlan saw him this way, thinking that he should have known about Sister Lin's pregnancy, but in addition to her and Prince Jin and Mo Bai, as well as the personal maid next to her, there was also Shen Yunya!

This is Shen Yunya's report?

Thinking of this, Feng Tianlan's peach eyes flashed a murderous look, Shen Yunya was really immortal. At this time, she was still jumping, in the cold palace, and still jumping.

"Helian, if you are not in a hurry, I'll do it first." Feng Tianlan pretended not to know, let alone see him.

In fact, she did n’t know how to do it. As a good sister, she really did n’t want to see Sister Lin alone. She was pregnant, pregnant alone, with children, and only one person. These are all too hard. Marriage, that's the best.

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