The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1057: Can it be protected for a while, can it be protected for a lifetime

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"So?" Feng Tianlan asked faintly, "Why didn't you marry at the beginning? Even if she didn't want to, you could fight for more, but you didn't, but you fled like a deserter."

In the face of her, Helian Huang's momentum disappeared, "Daier ..."

"Helian, you don't like Sister Lin, and she doesn't want to marry. It's good now, otherwise you'll marry her for a duty. She is a foreign princess. Can you be named the queen? Surely not, then let her be a princess. Be an emperor and concubine, and be inferior to others in a foreign country? "

Helianhuang opened her mouth to refute, but could not refute, because what she said was fact.

Generally, marrying an exotic princess is a close marriage. Even if the exotic princess is still petting, she cannot be made queen and let her take charge of the harem.

After watching him have nothing to say, Feng Tianlan went on to say, "To put it another way, even if you can make her a queen, you still have to choose a concubine, the former dynasty and even the people of the West. You must pay attention to her at all times, waiting to be caught. How long can you protect her with her handle? Can you protect it for a while, can you protect it forever? "

"I ..." He Lianhuang was blocked again and had nothing to say.

"You can't, because you don't like her, you don't love her, and Rong Chong without love, Sister Lin will not be happy. That's why she refuses to marry you and doesn't even tell you about pregnancy. She knows your future too well. What it is like, she knows her temperament too well, knows what she wants, and she never wrongs herself. "

Such a sister, Lin, is too good, too dazzling, and she admires it.

Listening to her words, Helian Huang looked at her like this, then lowered his eyes, he liked her, he loved her, and how did he like Princess Zhaoyang?

If that person was her, he wouldn't flinch even if he was facing the sword and fire.

Feng Tianlan glanced at him, and said lightly, "Sister Lin doesn't need you to be responsible, so don't be embarrassed by this, and think again. Shen Yunya told you about this matter's ambition, don't be taken advantage of by those who care."

"I want to see Shen Yunya." Helianfeng consulted Feng Tianlan.

"She's in Donggong Nanyuan, you should go to Xi Jin." Feng Tianlan thought that he was almost telling him, and left.

He Lianhuang looked at Feng Tianlan's departure and lowered her eyes. She wanted to keep her for a lifetime. As a result, the wrong marriage and Princess Zhaoyang were married. Perhaps from the moment she died three years ago, Has everything changed?


As soon as Feng Tianlan walked into the mercenary regiment, she saw a small hill-like figure and rushed at her quickly. The sound of stepping on the ground made the table or something shake.

"Sister Lan!" When Xiaofeng saw Feng Tianlan's figure, he jumped over in excitement.

Si Mobai watched Feng Tianlan be held in his arms, raised his eyebrows lightly, seeing that they hadn't seen each other in such a long time, it was not blocked, and looking at Laner's appearance, so happy.

"Little, let go, or you will suffocate me." Feng Tianlan's face was suffocated in the soft flesh like those two papaya. It looks like it is in memory, still so familiar.

Xiao He smiled a little, then let go of her, and embarrassedly blushed. "That was too excited, too excited."

He also fluttered towards Feng Tianlan, and originally wanted a bear hug, but when he felt the cold eyes of Si Mobai, he immediately scared him.

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