The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1084: Xi Jin knows the truth about dumplings 2

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But the next scene made him frown even more deeply, because his huge blade of spiritual power disappeared into the black enchantment. He tried again without belief, and the spiritual power all disappeared. !!

"Laner, his spiritual power is weird." Si Mobai stood beside Feng Tianlan and said Shen Sheng.

Feng Tianlan saw all his movements in his eyes, nodded his head slightly, and then raised his hand to smash the spiritual force on the black enchantment, like Sima Bai, her spiritual power. , Hit on top, and disappeared into the enchantment.

"His water power and wind power, but these two powers are blue and colorless, but now his power is black ..." Feng Tianlan frowned deeply and looked up. Looking at Si Mobai, "His spiritual power seems to be above God."

This is not the same as Xi Jin, who was violently bruised the other day. This black spiritual power, except for Su Jingfeng, has never seen it again.

What did Xi Jin go through in such a short period of time, he was instantly promoted from God to God, this speed is too weird! This spiritual element has become too strange.

The queen and emperor looked at the black enchantment, and then turned to look at Feng Tianlan. It seemed that they wanted to ask, but they could not ask anything. They could only look at it like this, and then left the beginning, hoping that Shen Yunya said Yes, they are fake.

In the black enchantment, Xi Jin's eyes were red, and she looked at Shen Yunya, who was paralyzed sitting on the ground, "You tell the palace clearly!"

"Remember the shadow wall, did I block in time?" Shen Yunya looked up at him sneer, and then learned what she said to Shen Qingdai that day, coldly speaking, "Brother Jin likes her sister the most, so in order to complete Brother Jin, I I want to boil my sister ’s knee bone into soup, make my sister's face like white jade, make dumplings, and ... "

Shen Yunya looked up at Xi Jin's pale face, laughed, and continued, "And my sister's nimble eyes, made dumpling stuffing, a bowl of fragrant dumplings became, and then served to Brother Jin."

Listening to Shen Yunya's words, looking at her lip that is the same as when he saw the shadow wall, so what she said is true?

Did he really eat Dairy?

Thinking of this possibility, Xi Jin's face turned white again, and the whole person retreated involuntarily, and then retreated, until he, as a whole, retreated to the enchantment, retired, and the entire person seemed to have lost his soul. Sliding to the ground, "Dair ..."

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, he doesn't know, he ...

Seeing her like this, Shen Yunya laughed madly, holding the wall of Jiejie, and stood up. Her skirt had been dyed red, the blood on her face, and her crazy laugh at this moment made her look Like the bloodthirsty devil.

"Brother Jin, you see, how much I love you. In order to complete your sister and you, I made her dumplings for you to eat. You see that you and your sister are one and the same, and never separate. The one who loves you is the only one in this world. "

Xi Jin collapsed, clutching her hair with her hands, listening to Shen Yunya's words, only feeling that her stomach rolled over a while, then she knelt on the ground and vomited.

"By the way, I forgot to tell Brother Jin that in order to test how deeply Brother Jin ’s love for her sister, I saved her life, and on the twelfth, look at me, love you more, and save you Her chance. "

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