The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1203: Feng Tianlan's Dream Come Back 2

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The green silk that had just passed away seemed to have a faint fragrance, and the cloud wrapped around his heart, and he refused to disperse.

Listening to the words of the two, Feng Tianlan confirmed his thoughts. They were Wuya and Yunyi, but why did she appear here?

Feng Tianlan didn't guess wrong. Now that she is not in the body, she sees the pictures of the previous life. The people in front of her are Wuya and Yunyi, and she is gradually recovering the memories of the previous life.

"Boundless, Yunyi." Yunyi raised her crescent moon and looked very pretty. "Even the names are so good."

Wuji's face became even more red. Holding bamboo in his hand, he stretched out again, "Here you are."

"Brother Wuya, I saw you, too, should I give myself to me?" Yun Yi squinted at Crescent Moon's eyes, smiling very brightly and innocently, without the slightest flirtatious innocent young boy.

Wuji never met such a straightforward woman, and he couldn't resist the slightest smile and request, still nodded, "Well."

Seeing him like this, Yun Yi even laughed loudly, "Beads and Brother Wuya will stay first, and in the future, when I need them, give them to me."

"Okay." To her, Endless was irresistible.

Feng Tianlan looked aside, only to think that this boundless, really pure, too clean, and really cute, I did not expect that Mo Bai's previous life was actually like this, it was unexpected.

As soon as the picture turned around, Feng Tianlan came to a palace, and the courtyard was planted with peony flowers. Even the potted plants in that room were carefully cultivated peony flowers, and each one bloomed enchanting.

"Brothers without borders." Yun Yi was still wearing a red embroidered peony flower, but she was only wearing a palace dress, and her face had no such innocent and bright smile, and there was a vague sadness between her eyebrows.

Feng Tianlan looked up and looked around. First, he looked up at Yun Yi, and then looked up at Endless. He is still as warm as jade that he saw in the peony flowers last time, but with a touch of touch. Tenderness, seeing Yun Yi, that kind of exclusive tenderness, "Yuner."

He was always gentle to her.

Yun Yi looked at the pure and clean boundlessness in front of her, biting her lower lip, and then said something later, "Brother of boundlessness, I'll come to you to fulfill your promise."

"Come for him?" Wuya shallowly frowned, watching her look, very distressed.

"You said that when you said that both the beads and you gave them to me, can you give them to Brother Feng now, and I'll go home with you?" Yun Yi raised her eyes, thinking she was joking with him for the first time, But she couldn't pretend anyway and didn't even want to lie.

Wuya was silent for a while, then he spoke heavyly, "Yuner, you need to cherish yourself. You are an invaluable treasure, more precious than beads. How can you say things like this and trade things easily?"

Yun Yi closed her eyes and said nothing.

Woundless watched her lose her clean smile as before, sighed in her heart, and took out the beads again, "Here you are, but I don't need you to exchange it, because it is yours, I just keep it for you temporarily. "

He waited until she came to him for beads, and then took him home.

Although she waited, she would rather not wait, because she was unhappy.

And he only wanted her to be happy. As for whether the beads were artifacts, it didn't matter to him, because it was less precious than her smile.

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