Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

He only hoped that everything was too late, and that he was praying. It was because he thought too much, not because of the Shen family's accident.

At this moment, Feng Tianlan just felt very anxious in her heart, hoping to be faster, but shortened the road of half an hour to half a quarter of an hour, it was already extremely fast, she dare not think about it.

Apparently it was half a quarter of an hour, but Feng Tianlan only felt that it was very long. There was gradually light in front of her, a little **** smell in the air, and a fragrance that seemed to be absent, which made her heart tighten.

The white scene in front of him was bright, and it was the familiar Shenfu that fell into the eyes, but it was blood everywhere, as if suddenly a large basin of blood was poured from the sky.

All the small maiden rings on the house fell to the ground horizontally, and their faces were imprinted with a voluptuous peony flower.

"Lianger!" Feng Tianlan just felt his scalp numb and ran to Shen Liang's study in an instant.

Si Mobai took Fenghuang and quickly followed.

In the study, Feng Tianlan saw a black figure hiding herself, and she could not even see his side face, even his hands were wrapped in a layer of gloves, and his hand was holding a handle Sharp sword, bright red blood, drop by drop running down the sword body, dropping to the ground ...

Feng Tianlan watched the blood blooming on the ground, and the person lying on the ground, the person who was constantly flooded with blood, was Shen Liang who smiled with her a few hours ago, and suddenly widened her eyes, Open your mouth, "Good son!"

With that, she raised her hand and attacked Black Shadow in an instant. She wanted to kill him!

Xi Jin, who was hiding under the cloak, heard this voice, and suddenly his body stiffened. The attack behind him made him frown, quickly avoided, and then threw down his sword, his body flickered, and then quickly disappeared. .

I'm sorry, Daer, I'm one step late, and I'm sorry to see you.

"Mobai, catch him." Feng Tianlan strode forward, squatted down, quickly cut open his palm, placed it in Shen Liang's mouth, and trembled his voice, "Lianger, hold on, I will save right away. you."

He fed his blood with one hand, quickly took out the hemostatic powder with one hand, and poured it down on his neck that was constantly bleeding, but the hemostatic powder that was usually effective in an instant was ineffective at this time, the long wound, Still oozing blood.

"Lianger, Lianger, don't be afraid, your sister will save you." Feng Tianlan shook his hands and took out all the medicines, and fell to Shen Liang's neck one by one.

However, Shen Liang's pupils had been scattered all around, and blood poured out of his neck, which instantly turned her white skirt red.

"No ... yes ..."

Before the words were over, Shen Liang's weak breath was severed, and his head was tilted sideways.

He wanted to say that it wasn't Xi Jin who killed him, but he could never say the words that followed, and Feng Tianlan would never hear it.

"I'll save you right away, don't be afraid." Feng Tianlan's tears burst out instantly, and she bent over and held Shen Liang in her arms, feeding Mu Ling while feeding blood.

She wants to save him, such a good brother, Liang Er, and listen to her, so good brother ...

He won't die, absolutely not, she will definitely save him.

Feng Ye looked at Feng Tianlan and Shen Liang, the bright red blood fell in her eyes, only to feel uncomfortable, his head seemed to be exploding.

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