Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Legend has it that when you enter this desert, you are walking into death, even more terrifying than the forest of death.

Feng Tianlan recorded the shape of the map in her mind, determined the route, and put away the map. Her pair of phoenix eyes were firmer, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and mountains in front of her, as long as her ink was in front, she would go to Break

No matter what kind of difficulties she encounters, she will never give up, absolutely not!

Feng Tianlan meditated cross-legged and entered the world of Danjuan. Liuli seemed to return to the original, but just watered the herbs and plucked the grass, her pale complexion gradually became rosy.

"Miss." Liuli was very guilty when she saw Feng Tianlan. As a subordinate, she could only rely on the master's spiritual power to heal her.

"Get better soon, my mother hasn't fully recovered, you're good enough to hurt, come out to help me earlier." Seeing Liuli's guilt, Feng Tianlan said to her with a gentle voice.

Ruri looked at her care and comfort, and nodded heartily, "Yes."

"Liu Li, have you heard of the Supreme Continent?" Feng Tianlan looked at this well-managed space and looked up at Liu Li.

"Supreme continent?" Liuli was a little confused, then shook his head. "Although slaves have been a thousand years old, it is only a matter of centuries that they have been born with wisdom. Moreover, they also completely recognized the Lord several years ago. Nothing is known. "

Upon hearing Liuli's answer, Feng Tianlan narrowed her eyes in disappointment, "That's it."

She remembered that Liu Li said Mo Bai was also her master, so she thought about what Liu Li might know, so she came in and asked.

"Miss might as well ask Hong Meng, she might know."

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "I will ask."

Last time Hong Meng and Bai Meng agreed to leave, she hasn't returned yet, so she can't ask any more.

"It's a pity that the slaver was injured, otherwise the slaver could check it. Maybe the slaver had the information of Supreme Continent recorded on him." Liu Li dropped her head with guilt again.

She was injured, and Liuli Danju broke apart. Naturally it was affected. Some pages on the back couldn't be opened. Only after recovery, she could see it.

Feng Tianlan looked at her like this and pursed her lips with a smile. "Don't blame yourself, you are here to protect me."

If it weren't for Liuli protecting her, she would have hurt the vine on her shoulder blades at that time, and she wouldn't know her life or death.


Feng Tianlan didn't say much anymore. She just sat down cross-legged and started meditation practice. To become stronger, she must practice nonstop, absorb spiritual power, and then be promoted.

It is a pity that Liuli would not absorb spiritual power by himself, otherwise, it would not be so complicated.

After practicing in the Danjuan world for one night, it was equivalent to practicing for more than a month. Feng Tianlan noticed that, opened her eyes, and sank her consciousness to Dantian. She lost a little bit of spiritual power to the jade-colored Danjuan on.

The cracks in Liuli Danju are much smaller than they were at the beginning. It is believed that Liuli's injury will be completely cured within six months.

Feng Tianlan came out of the Dan Juan world and practiced for one night. She was full of energy and simply washed. After changing clothes, she knocked on the door.

"So early, but what happened?" Opening the door, he saw a leech and frowned.

Shui Hu respectfully handed in two letters, "It is an urgent letter from the West, and my subordinates dare not delay."

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