Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan hugged the child for the first time. She was still so soft, and the little baby with a milky scent on her body was very unaccustomed. She carefully hugged it into Xilin's arms.

"You ... you can't do this, this is Chen Fei's mother." The grandmother was afraid of Feng Tianlan's strong momentum, and when she was angry, she was also babbling, and her body was shaking.

Feng Tianlan watched Xi Lin hold Wang Er tightly in her arms, and Wang Er's small arms were tightly around her neck, this looks obviously afraid of being separated.

Looking at the soft little baby, Feng Tianlan's heart was all in a ball.

"Tian Lan, give Wanger to her." Celine looked at Wanger's pink face, even though she was very persecuted, but as long as she thought of the poison on Wanger, she couldn't bear it anymore and had to give up.

Feng Tianlan glanced at Celine, then said coldly to the grandmother, "Wanger I took away, if Chen Xinyi has any opinions, let her come to me."

"Tianlan ..." Xi Lin looked at Feng Tianlan anxiously.

Feng Tianlan stood beside her, lowering her eyes to see the baby girl curiously looking at her big eyes, she could not help softening her voice, "Wanger, would you like to go home with your mother?"

Xiao Wang'er blinked his eyes, nodded his head, then shook his head again, then lost his head, "No ... cry."

She meant that her mother would cry, so she could not go home with her mother.

"My mother will not be sad, I can heal hope." Feng Tianlan softly coaxed, this little baby is so good, so cute, so cute, even if she doesn't speak, only the little eyes with star eyes, It was enough to melt her heart.

Xiao Wanger did not answer her, but turned to look at Celine, "Listen to my dear."

"Tianlan, look at her ..."

Feng Tianlan saw her eyes red again, hugged Xiaowanger tightly with her hands, and smiled, "It's okay, I can save her, you forget, Xi Jin was okay at that time."

Celine suddenly looked up at Feng Tianlan, thinking of the imperial brother who committed poisoning and committing suicide that year, and immediately wept with joy, and hugged Xiao Wang'er, "Go home, go home, my mother took Wanger home."

Yes, why did she forget it? Tianlan can save her, absolutely.

Watching Celine's tears fall one after another, Xiao Wanger held out her fleshy little hand, gently wiped her tears, and said milkily, "Don't cry, don't cry."

Feng Tianlan looked at the scene where the mother and daughter got along, and could not help thinking of Feng Yan, hoping that her mother was fine, and she had to find her mother as soon as possible.

The grandmother looked at Xi Lin and was escorted by Feng Tianlan and left Xiaowanger. She was afraid of things and turned into the palace. She knelt down to Chen Xinyi who was having a meal. "Mother, Lin Fei held the little princess gone."

"I see, you go down." Chen Xinyi did not look up, it must be Feng Tianlan, no one can stop her.

The grandmother trembled and said yes, she shook herself and retreated.

Feng Tianlan followed Xilin back to Zhaoyang Palace, looking at the device exactly like Dongshu Kingdom, raised her eyebrows lightly, but thought of what Helian Feng said before, and she felt really upset.

"This was specially created by the emperor's life, exactly like Zhaoyang Palace." Xi Lin looked at the little Wang, who was already lying on her shoulder, lovingly.

Listening to Celine's tone of love, Feng Tianlan was even more uncomfortable, "I will take you and Wanger away tomorrow."

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