Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

In particular, there was nothing to say about Helian Huang's captivity, but it was a brain that wanted to vent all the aggriefs in the heart.

"Some women look at their sisters because they want a sister, but also want a younger sister, three wives, four concubines, three houses, six courts, seventy-two concubines, and one sleep a day. Can you do that? Yes, but it is just to marry so many home widows. "

"He Lianhuang, you are driving me like this and driving Tianlan, you just want us to look at you, you are hurting Tianlan. What kind of **** are you guarding."

"I tell you, I would rather watch you fail, watch you die, I would n’t hurt Tianlan, love you? Do you really want me? You think too much, I want you These women in your harem have long gone to see the king. "

"You want Tianlan to be your queen, and you want me to be your concubine. You are trying to force me to cheat with Tianlan in this harem. You fight for your life. This is your ridiculous guardianship!"


Xi Lin said angrily, feeling that Helian Huang's look was a bit wrong, as if she hadn't heard her, her gaze looked behind her, and she suddenly felt the complicated eyes behind her.

Turning his head to look at Feng Tianlan's complex eyes, the flames suddenly disappeared, "Heaven ... Tianlan ..."

Celine thought uneasily, did she just say something that was inappropriate and would hurt Tianlan's words, but at this time her head was noisy, but she couldn't remember what she had said under the anger just now.

Feng Tianlan didn't know what to do, she just felt embarrassed, and moved and felt guilty about Celine.

He Lianhuang only felt that his head was more painful. He lost his mind. At this time, he seemed to have recovered his mind. He was sober. He looked at the two women in front of him. When he thought of Celine's words, he felt a headache and no words. Saying a word, the flashed body disappeared before his eyes.

"Tian Lan, what you said just now ..." Celine was very uncomfortable, and even more guilty, she opened her mouth first, "Sorry, what I just said ..."

Too irritated, she forgot to say anything, and did not know what Tian Lan heard. If she only heard the back, what would Tian Lan think.

"Did you hear the words of Yu Shufang?" Feng Tianlan asked a little bit, feeling very guilty. After all, what He Lianhuang said at the time was really too damaging to Xi Lin.

Celine as a whole seemed to calm down, lowered her eyes, and looked at the courtyard where the leaves had fallen because of the fight just now, "heard a little."

I had something to say to Helian Phoenix, but when I heard that Tian Lan was there, I waited for the meeting. Because they were not prepared and she was sensitive and sensitive, so I listened to it, but I left without listening later. Already.

Feng Tianlan opened her lips and said bitterly, "I'm sorry."

Everything that I wanted to explain eventually turned into these three words.

"Why are you sorry?" Celine stepped forward and pulled Feng Tianlan's hand generously. "Just because Helian Phoenix likes you and I like him, so tell me sorry?"

Feng Tianlan pursed her lips, no matter what, at least she felt that Sister Lin was hurt, for her reason, which made her very disturbed.

"It's not your fault, why should you say I'm sorry? He likes it. You never knew, even if you knew, you refused. It was he who walked alone and had nothing to do with you?"

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