Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan looked at him puzzled, "You mean, Yun Yi will tear the space?"

"Wuyi only taught Yun Yi the exercises, so others wouldn't." Of course, he wouldn't, but the teleportation exercises he used were not lost in the tearing space at all.

Feng Tianlan blinked his eyes, "Really?"

There is so much that Yunyi did for Yunyi. If Feng Yunsheng was Yunyi, would Mo Bai not love her after he restored her memory?

As soon as this idea started, Feng Tianlan shook her head and shook off the idea.

At this point, all she has to do is to practice and promote as soon as possible, and then to find Mobai on the Supreme Continent. As for the others, don't think about it any more, and don't disturb yourself for what has never happened.

"That's why you can't return to the Supreme Continent now?" Feng Tianlan raised her eyebrows lightly, with a bit of irony.

Su Jingfeng was annoyed by Feng Tianlan's expression, and his voice was somber. "How hard it was to find Yuner for the Xuantian Continent, how much effort was sacrificed, how can you understand this fake? . "

In the face of his anger, Feng Tianlan just shrugged, "Unfortunately she was not moved, and she did not fall in love with you again."

"Feng Tianlan." Su Jingfeng shouted his teeth.

Feng Tianlan smiled brightly, "Su Gongzi was pricked, so is he angry?"

Looking at this bright and beautiful smile, Su Jingfeng really wanted to punch him, but thought that she would still be used, she could only suppress this anger to her life.

"Feng Tianlan, you're so embarrassed." Su Jingfeng shook his fist, and the bone was rattled, a little scary.

Feng Tianlan still smiled brightly, "I also think you owe."

One has some scruples, and the other is not an opponent.

Su Jingfeng's fist was clenched tighter, and the roots of his teeth also clucked. How could Feng Tianlan be so irritating, how could it be Yuner? His Yuner was gentle, like a spring breeze, and she was a tornado!

"If you're okay, you can get out." Feng Tianlan coldly ordered a passenger, and he didn't really like Su Jingfeng, and even faintly resisted it.

Su Jingfeng gritted his teeth before suppressing the anger in his heart and said to her, "The spiritual power of the Supreme Continent is divided into no realm, virtual reality, empty mirror, spiritual realm, and emperor. Supreme, these levels, you only need to be promoted to the limitless, if it will not tear the space, then you can split a gap and squeeze through with the ice soul sword. "

Feng Tianlan raised an eyebrow, and read several levels in her heart, "Nowhere?"

"Don't look at just one level, but they are two worlds. Look at your qualifications alone. Without help from Solitary, you can't break through the bounds of death." Su Jingfeng looked at Feng Tianlan high above him. Vice, please ask for loneliness quickly, as long as you ask in a low voice, loneliness will help you.

Feng Tianlan gave him a slight glance, ignoring his high expression, but thinking about these situations, it turned out that there is no limit to learning, and spiritual power also has such a level.

"At what level are you in the previous life?" Feng Tianlan asked curiously. Regarding the sporadic fragments in her dream, she was still very curious about the previous life. Are these related to her?

Su Jingfeng replied lazily, "Spiritual Realm."

"Huh?" Feng Tianlan raised an eyebrow. "You said that the supreme continent is your world. I thought it was the highest level, the highest level."

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