The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1377: It's good to have Laner here

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Watching the two stopped fighting, Feng Tianlan was finally relieved. Fortunately, fortunately, the two were still sane. If you did n’t fight like this, you would n’t know what to be. Kind of situation.

Su Jingfeng and Simo Bai both fell from high altitude and stopped in front of her. A pair of drunk peach eyes like wine and a pair of red eyes like gems are addictive. They are too attractive. Both of them are peerless, it is really too difficult to choose.

However, Feng Tianlan did not see Su Jingfeng. He lifted his feet and approached Si Mobai, took his hand, looked up and down, and his voice was very gentle. "You are not injured, is there any place? uncomfortable?"

Sima Bai smiled softly, "No, it's so weak for my husband."

After Feng Tianlan looked at it, he listened to his words, and his heart was really relieved, "It's all right, you have to scare me, don't be so impulsive, you don't know ..."

His physical condition was not very suitable for fighting at this time, but Su Jingfeng was different.

"There is Laner, not afraid of her husband."

Feng Tianlan smiled, glanced at Su Jingfeng, who was standing next to him, and saw his somber face, like black charcoal, and looked at her like that, it was like eating her.

Su Jingfeng gave her a cool look, and then asked Si Mobai coldly, "Where is Shenger? Where did you go when Shenger came back?"

"I don't know." Si Mobai's voice was even colder than him, like snowflakes, getting into people's ears.

Feng Tianlan saw Su Jingfeng's face very bad, and quickly explained, "Mo Bai and Feng Yunsheng were separated at the beginning, and you should be glad that he didn't know where Feng Yunsheng was, otherwise she would still be alive. I don't necessarily see you. "

Su Jingfeng snorted coldly, "You are not on the Supreme Continent, why are you back at this time?"

Feng Tianlan frowned, and didn't tell Su Jingfeng that she and Si Mobai had a destiny contract. Otherwise, those who want to kill Mobai in the future, as long as they come to kill her, will succeed, and that's fine.

Therefore, the term tearing space is the most correct and secure.

Feng Tianlan hasn't spoken yet, and Si Mobai beside him has spoken. "The tearing space used by the king, if you want to find her, you can also try."

After hearing this answer, Feng Tianlan looked up at Si Mobai, then pursed her lips and smiled. She really knew what Mo Bai knew, and she knew what she wanted.

Su Jingfeng snorted coldly again, "If you know how to tear the space, you still need to talk nonsense to your mother like this?"

Si Mo's face was cold, and he ignored Su Sufeng.

Feng Tianlan said quickly, "Let's hurry up and go to the Sky Soul Tower."

Moreover, we must quickly separate from Su Jingfeng, otherwise, with the hatred of these two people, they will soon fight, and this will endlessly.

"The lonely disdain to go with you."

Sima Bai reached out and stretched Feng Tianlan's waistline, "My king doesn't bother walking with you."

Su Jingfeng snorted again, glanced at Feng Tianlan coldly, then turned and walked away without even looking at her.

Feng Tianlan was embraced by Si Mobai, thinking of Su Jingfeng's angry words, a little embarrassed, looked up at Si Mobai, and said carefully, "He seems to be jumping with me, just Wouldn't it be nice if he left alone? "

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