Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Liuli looked at Feng Tianlan's firm look. Although he was very reluctant, he nodded his head, "Slave will help the lady."

It is very difficult to repair and repair Shendan, but it is not difficult to do. As long as the lady orders it, she will do it. This is an order given to her by the master.

Feng Tianlan smiled comfortably and couldn't help looking up at the floating island in the sky. It was the Temple of Heaven, The Endless Sanctuary and Tianwailou, but it was such a place that she couldn't even go up now.

She really wanted to know what happened in this world a thousand years ago, and she had such intricate feelings in this life.

"Miss, someone followed us." Liu Li said very sensitively outside the city.

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "Let them follow."

If she hadn't heard the wrong breath, the people who followed her were the two men in the restaurant who deliberately spoke of the divine doctor.

She wanted to see what the two men had in mind, to set up such a game and let her jump.

Feng Tianlan picked a remote and unmanned road, and the people who followed followed could not help laughing. The woman was really stupid, and she chose to go where no one was, and if she went further, there was no way at all, and there was a small cliff.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Feng Tianlan had no choice but to stop.

"Beauty, why don't you go?" He looked at the very insignificant man, touched the sparse goatee, glanced directly at Feng Tianlan, and finally fell on her beautiful face. .

Feng Tianlan looked at their opponent's five people coldly, two without boundaries, three senior deities, and she was not very sure about such an opponent.

"You follow us, what's the purpose?" Feng Tianlan looked at them coldly, and asked coldly.

"Beauty looks so beautiful, it's a pity not to use it well." The insignificant man looked at Feng Tianlan and smiled, "If the beauty is interesting and take the initiative to accept Huan, it can be less painful and sell you to a better wealth People. "

"Really?" Feng Tianlan asked coldly.

"Don't talk nonsense to her, grab her first, then talk about it." The stronger, murderous man next to him targeted Feng Tianlan directly.

Feng Tianlan's eyes narrowed slightly. This man had murderous body, not a normal hooligan, and the target was very clear. Looking at it was a killer. Is this her goal when she comes?

The killer didn't hesitate. He raised his hand to attack Feng Tianlan and grabbed her instantly.

With his shot, he could only hear a roaring beast roar, and then a fierce Warcraft slammed out in the woods. The spiritual power was equivalent to the Wraithless Wizard, very fierce, without any words, and rushed directly to that. Five people.

"Bai Meng, stay alive." Feng Tianlan looked at the killing side in cold eyes with his hands around his chest.

She is not a complete opponent herself, but she has Bai Meng and needs her shot?

Warcraft is not only strong in spirit, but also thick-skinned. These people did not expect to encounter fierce beasts, but in a moment, three of them were killed by Warcraft, leaving only the killer and the wretched man.

Seeing that Feng Tianlan couldn't be caught by the killer, his eyes turned sharply on the insignificant man, who wanted to kill him.

Feng Tianlan looked coldly, and when he raised his hand, the ice condensed immediately, directly blocking the killer's killing move, Bai Meng slammed, slammed in the past, clicked, the killer was bitten his neck.

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