The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1470: Ink White and Tian Lan's Sweet 1

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

He didn't plan to tell Laner about the magical qi, it would definitely make her worry. For three months, he believed that he was totally okay, so do n’t need Laner to know, let her worry too.

Feng Tianlan opened her bright eyes and looked at Si Mobai sharply. Her eyes were full of doubts. Although there was no evidence, it was just intuition that he had something to hide from her and not let her know.

Smobai looked at her frankly, seeing her unquestionable, she could only raise her hand to surrender, looked at her helplessly and coddled, "Well, I can't hide you from my husband, I confessed to my husband."

"Come on." Feng Tianlan, with a somber face, was very unhappy to conceal him.

"The spiritual power for the husband is only maintained for three months, and after three months, there is no strength." Si Mobai looked up at Feng Tianlan, looking a bit pitiful, "Lan Er, if the husband is really not If you have the strength, will you be dismissed as a husband? "

Feng Tianlan looked at his puppy-like eyes, although he was not so questionable, but he still didn't believe it, "Is this it? What is there to hide from this little thing?"

Sima Bai nodded his head severely, raised his hand to swear, and Feng Tianlan scolded and stared, "No swearing is allowed."

Some vows could not be made indiscriminately. How could he not fix the problem, she still remembered his last blood vow.

"Is Lan Lan believed to be a husband?" Si Mobai stretched his hands around her waist, and his face was on her body, and he pitifully begged to believe.

That wasn't a big deal, Laner didn't need to know, lest she worry.

Feng Tianlan nodded slightly, but said coldly, "Trust me for the time being, but if I find you, you lied to me, be careful of sanctions!"

"Hurry up and shave, it's only halfway." Sima Bai shifted the topic, but don't let her talk about it.

Feng Tianlan gave him a glance before he concentrated on shaving him. The long beard fell off, but it made her feel a little bit reluctant, because it was more than a year, she was not with him, he stayed a little bit. Next, is that missing?

Ruri held the dinner, knocked on the door and came in, seeing the warm and happy side of the dressing table, smiled and then backed out. Sure enough, Miss and Wang were together to be happy.

Feng Tianlan shaved his beard, twisted the parcel himself, and washed his face.

"Laner, you lightly, her husband's face is also very tender." She washes a little harder, Sima Bai shouted, "You don't need to publish such a grudge for your husband."

Feng Tianlan glared at him again, and threw the patter on his face, "wash it by yourself."

Washing his face, even disgusted, it's time to fight!

Sima Bai lifted the quilt and looked at her with bright eyes like a star, "Laner wash, take a bath, and Laner wash."

"..." Feng Tianlan blushed with a small face, glaring at him lightly, and then walked to the table, filled him with porridge, wondering in his heart, this man was miserable just after waking up.

Si Mobai happily threw the papa in the copper basin, walked lightly, hugged her waist from behind, and lost his beard chin, so she ran on her little fragrant shoulders and watched With her porridge, happiness sprang up.

"Why is it so light? No wonder you have lost so much. Minger will cook for you."

Speaking of this, Si Mobai remembered the first time he woke up and dreamed. Laner was painting. In the painting, she was eating, but without him, she had a pair of tableware.

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