The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1473: Ink White and Tian Lan's Sweetness 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Sima Bai reached out and squeezed her face, and wanted to be angry, but she was also very helpless, and said calmly, "Lan, although you are not a husband, do you not know how to be a husband?"

He loves to love, what does it have to do with it before?

Even though it all started with looking for Yunyi, but found her, he was not in love at first sight, but after getting along, unknowingly fell in love, and then fell in love, these are not Yunyi with her at all. relationship.

Feng Tianlan pursed her lower lip, didn't speak, but leaned on his shoulder and looked at the stars in the black sky. In fact, it was one thing to understand, but she couldn't care less.

People are so contradictory. When it comes to truth, they also have the truth. They look better than anyone else, but when things really happen to themselves, they will happen, and they wo n’t be able to pass that hurdle.

She cared about him and was afraid to lose him.

The more you love, the more you discover, and you can't do that chic if you want to let go.

Sima Bai stood up, hugged her directly, and walked into the room.

"What are you doing, let me down quickly." The body suddenly emptied, allowing Feng Tianlan to recover his thoughts, glaring at him angrily, his body was not good, he dared to hold it like this, and was not afraid to fall.

Simobai proved that he was not so weak. He took her back to the room calmly, hugged her to the bed, and pressed her to the bed. "Laner is so scared, let's go to the house now."

"No, you haven't recovered yet." Feng Tianlan raised her hand and refused seriously.

"But when Laner woke up, she was going to be with her husband, and her husband was weaker at that time."

Feng Tianlan suddenly blushed. At that time, she thought it was a dream. She didn't think it was true, so when she talked, she didn't say anything. Now thinking about it, she is too bold, too straightforward, and ashamed. !!

"I'm still weak, and the injuries on the vines are not good." Feng Tianlan blinked and stared directly at him. This thing couldn't be weaker than him, so don't be shy.

He is the one she loves deeply. It is abnormal that he does not want to overthrow him or sleep.

"Look at my husband." Sima Bai had reached out and unfastened her belt. His fingertips were very flexible. He took off his outer shirt and unbuttoned his coat three or two times to reveal it. The white belly embroidered with white orchids.

This is the bellyband he used to practice hand embroidery, the stitches are not very dense, and even a bit crooked, and the white orchid pattern is also the pattern on the wedding dress.

Feng Tianlan just felt that in his eyes he was burning all over, with white and tender skin, and some pink, and that small face was even more red, and it was bleeding. If he wanted to take off quickly, don't look so seriously ?

Si Mobai's hand gently stroked the blooming white orchid, "I haven't embroidered your wedding dress for your husband."

Through the thin cloth, the skin could feel his rough fingertips, which made her feel a little itchy, blinking her phoenix, looking at his handsome face, shaving, white and tender, just like the **** of heaven. .

"Mobai, let's get married." Feng Tianlan looked at him and said sincerely.

Si Mobai's eyes moved from that white orchid to her face, "Huh?"

"You don't need a big wedding, just you and me, there is a witness, please three or two friends, so simple to get married and become a couple." Feng Tianlan said slowly, looking at him hotly. "You say OK?"

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