Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Although not finished, the meaning is very clear. Of course, he also really hopes that the person who protects Laner is really Feng Yunsheng. No matter what, he is a sister and she will care.

"That's Yuner, no doubt about it!" Su Jingfeng repeated this unhappyly, surely.

Sima Bai looked up at Su Jingfeng coolly, and wanted to say something ironic, but looked at Lan Er aside, and then choked it back, looking at Lan Er's face, he didn't care about the lunatic !!

Feng Tianlan did not refute his words, but asked Liu Li, who was standing aside, "What do you think of this body living with two souls?"

"Check it out, Rong Nuo," Liu Li said.

"Speaking of taking away the house, your soul is Shen Qingdai, can you be regarded as taking away the house of Feng Tianlan?" Su Jingfeng looked up at Feng Tianlan, didn't she forget that she herself had taken away the house to be born again?

Feng Tianlan took Si Mobai's peeled melon seeds and put one in his mouth. "I also thought about this problem, but the teacher told me that my soul was incomplete, and I and Feng Tianlan's soul Ben is one, there is no meaning of taking away the house, not to mention that when I was born again in this body, she was dead. "

Not to mention the matter of devouring souls and giving up.

Su Jingfeng sneered and said, "Everywhere is a state teacher, you really believe what the state teacher says, and you are not afraid that he planned everything."

So far, he has heard them talk about the state teacher countless times, but so far he has never seen him.

Feng Tianlan glanced at him, it was all because you loved it or not, I won't explain it to you.

"Miss, slavery has been found." Liu Li said in a timely manner, and then said, "According to Miss Er's situation, it is likely that another soul invaded from an early age."

"From an early age?" Feng Tianlan looked at her in confusion, how small is this young?

Ruri thought for a while, then said, "The youngest may have invaded from the belly six or seven months, at most, before the full moon was born, he invaded."

So the time of the invasion, that is, the period from the belly or the fetus in June to July before the full moon was born, is there another soul living at this point?

"But the slaves are puzzled that such a small person is supposed to repel the soul of an adult, but Miss Er did not respond ..." Liu Li also could not understand this doubt. There can only be one statement, that is, the invasion was not Soul, but something else.

Feng Tianlan said quietly.

"What effect will this have on her?" Simobai asked the question in his heart.

"Slaves do not know, but many will be affected, and because the original soul is weak and the invader is strong, they can control the original soul."

"Is there any solution?" Su Jingfeng asked anxiously, as long as he could separate the souls of two people, things would be much easier, Yuner would still be Yuner, and he would not only think of the villain Wuji Already.

Liuli shook her head. "Not yet." What she knew was just some words recorded on Dan Juan, and more was unclear.

Su Jingfeng frowned in disappointment, sitting lazily, looking up at Feng Tianlan, as if waiting for her to speak.

Feng Tianlan was playing with a tea cup, thinking about the contact since Feng Yunsheng's acquaintance, and found that she knew very little, and even regarded her as an enemy. Now when she thinks about it, she feels guilty.

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