The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1487: Su Jingfeng fell in love with Feng Tianlan? 3

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Su Jingfeng, who had a lot of complexion in his face, was completely black when he heard this. "What do you mean, loneliness is boundless, and you treat the fake as true?"

"Don't dare." Listening to the cold voice that seemed to devour her, Su Xue bowed her head and said against her.

Su Jingfeng snorted coldly, and there was some anger in his heart, "Since you think Feng Tianlan is Yun Yi, how to explain the Bi Lingzhu presented by the mirror, others can fake, but Bi Lingzhu cannot Cheating? "

How the heart mirror exists, Su Xue is as clear as him.

Su Xue bowed her head and saw that he insisted so much that she would not persuade him. It's time to talk. He couldn't listen and she didn't want to be punished.

There was no answer, Su Jingfeng was also very irritable. He took out the purple orchid planted in the basin and carefully maintained it from the space, and then looked at the injured hand, and shoved the orchid into the space. "Go to the city . "

He is going to see Feng Yunsheng and the first one. If his heart is still beating for her, then it can prove who Yuner is.

At the same time, he must also understand what happened to the two souls in Feng Yunsheng's body. If the woman dared to suppress Yun's soul, he would have to tear her up, so that she would never be born again!


Feng Tianlan and Sima Bai rode on Bai Meng's back, and looked up at the three big characters on the gate—Deciduous City.

After rushing for ten days, I finally arrived in the city of deciduous. For the two people who were riding the spirit beast, they were still so energetic, and they have annotated the ceremony and looked at their immortal relatives. Envy.

"This deciduous city is quite lively." Feng Tianlan passed through the map in his mind, which is an important city in Xuanchu. If it was captured by a neighboring country, Xuanchu would be half lost.

Sima Bai looked around Feng Tianlan's waist and looked around, but he didn't think too much, but looked at a restaurant in front of him, "Go to eat, you haven't eaten well in the past few days."

Feng Tianlan nodded lightly, but the rush was the evening primrose, after all, Mo Bai's spiritual power lasted only three months, and one month was about to pass. He still needed to find medicinal materials, so don't delay time.

When entering the restaurant, the shop errand greeted the two with a smile, greeted them into the elegant room, and looked at Si Mobai only to be familiar, but did not say it, but quietly looked at it, listening to them after ordering, then Retreated.

In the courtyard, there are evergreen pines and cypresses planted in the four seasons. A woman wearing a black jersey, holding a sword, and practicing swordsmanship in a flowing cloud, the sword energy that is mixed with spiritual power is even more powerful.

The maidservant waiting aside was even taller and taller, and if she didn't look closely, she would be a man.

"Miss, Zuixianglou came, and said that he had met a man who was very similar to Si Gongzi." After the woman finished practicing her sword, the girl-in-law approached and handed the papa and spoke it out.

The woman took a handkerchief, paused, and turned to look at her, "Find ink?"

"It should be, Xiao Er said that people look very similar, except that they are not so sick and have no beards. It is even more expensive to look at. There is also a woman beside him who looks very ... ... "the maidservant considered the words," intimate. "

She originally wanted to say affection, but after thinking about it, intimacy would be better, so as not to make the lady angry.

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