The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1555: Live in the same bed, die in the same hole

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

If Su Jingfeng wants to come, there is really no one can stop him, so what exactly is he doing, have to change conditions with her like this?

Feng Tianlan looked at Su Jingfeng, who lowered his eyes carefully and cut the window paper. His silver hair rose slightly with the autumn wind, and his face was more white. If he was not wearing a black gold robe, he would feel that moment. He is a man who will disappear with the wind.

"Yuner also likes to cut window paper. She also likes to cut small statues. It is particularly lifelike. She cuts the most and is lonely."

And he would cut paper, or learn to coax her.

Feng Tianlan frowned slightly. What did she do to cut Yunyi with her?

"Yun'er likes peony flowers very much, so the solitary palace is full of peony flowers. When she stands in the flowers, even if she doesn't smile, it is better than flowers."

Feng Tianlan frowned again. According to the portrait she saw, she was almost exactly the same as Yun Yi, so listening to this, she felt a little bit bragging about herself.

"When Yuner came here for the first time, she saw peony flowers everywhere, and she smiled so beautifully." Later, because he didn't plant it in front of the main hall, she planted it herself.

Feng Tianlan looked at him, and seemed to want to talk about Yun Yi?

Su Jingfeng didn't think of her answering anymore, but she had a small statue in her hand and said about him and Yun Yi in her mouth.

"Although Yun'er is the landlord of Tianwai Lou, she's so innocent. She's so sticky, she has to be alone when she does anything."

He actually accompanied him to coax Bi Lingzhu at that time, and later realized that she had no Bi Lingzhu on her body, so she did not accompany her. Now when I think about it, I really regret it.

"Yuner is still very virtuous. She makes different and delicious food for Gu every day. She also makes many clothes by herself. She said that she can make a good wife for Gu."

and after? He can no longer eat what she made, and feels that all the food is completely tasteless, and the world without her is even more boring. Fortunately, he has been sleeping for thousands of years, otherwise How long is the wait?

"Yun'er said, I want to marry with my lonely, and then have children, and grow old with my head, I have to live in the same bed and die in the same acupoint."

Feng Tianlan raised his eyes, watching Su Jingfeng cut the small statue, and when he stopped here, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, waiting for his following.

"Later, she was going to marry Wuya. She said she didn't love Guyou. She said she fell in love with Wuya. The food she cooked, the clothes she embroidered, she smiled, and even Gu Gu never touched it. The body, her children, must be given to another man. "

Feng Tianlan shook her lips, "She empathizes, doesn't you send her away?"

So, what's to blame now? Blame Yunyi for being too ruthless?

Su Jingfeng looked at the small statue, raised his red eyes and looked at Feng Tianlan, and said a little bit, "So, when she got married, she went to drink alone."

Feng Tianlan was looked at by him, and he felt a little stunned in his heart. He always felt that something bad had happened, and asked defensively, "So?"

She didn't want to invite him for a wedding drink anymore, and there was a species as far as he could get from the capital.

"You said that you had dreamed of seeing the three of us." So the ending is obviously easy to see. He snatched a kiss. That was his person. That was to say that he was going to be his wife, to have children for him, and to be white-headed. To the old, living in bed, dying in the same point.

Now that she had promised him, she should fulfill her promise.

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