Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

In a dark place of Sifu, a dark shadow was hidden there, and the black eyes hidden under the brim were staring closely at Si Mobai.

Huo Mingcheng saw that Si Mobai's forehead was full of fine sweat, and his face was pale as paper. The hand holding the red silk was even harder, as if to twist off. He shook his head, let him not talk, let him continue.

In this way, he could only bear the worry and sang, "The husband and wife worship."


A drop of blood came out of the eyebrows, fell to the ground, and fell between the two.

As soon as Feng Tianlan was about to bend down, she saw a drop of blood that went straight into her sight, let her heart twitch, and lifted it up. So close, there was only one person who was bleeding, and that was ink white.

"Mobai." Feng Tianlan shivered and shouted.

"Laner, go on." His voice was shaking, and the blood between his eyebrows was dropping drop by drop, smudged a small blood flower on the ground.

Only two steps of husband and wife worship and being sent to the cave, they became married, and they all reached this point. He didn't want to give up, and he could persist.

Feng Tianlan could see Sima Bai bending down, waiting for her to bend down.

"Sister." Feng Yun stood up fiercely.

"Laner, hurry up." Si Mobai just felt dizzy. He couldn't hold it anymore. "I want to marry you for my husband and I want to call you a lady for my husband."

Feng Tianlan watched a small blood bloom blooming on the ground, gritted his teeth, no longer hesitated, and quickly bent down.

She and Sima Bai slowly got up, Huo Mingcheng shouted again, "Li Cheng, send to the cave."

As the voice fell, Si Mobai, who had just stood up, made a sound and fell down.

"Mobai!" Feng Tianlan watched Si Mobai fall directly into her sight, and threw Xipa off sharply, trying to reach out to help him, a dark shadow slammed over, faster than her Quickly, I walked straight away.

"Mobai!" Feng Tianlan raised his hand and attacked the comer with his spiritual power. It was the man in black who saved her together.

Is this person good or bad?

Xi Jin ducked to avoid the attack, hiding her eyes under the brim, and took a deep look at Feng Tianlan. Without stopping, she turned and left.

"Mobai." Feng Tianlan quickly chased after her. Don't take her Mobai, she doesn't know what happened to Mobai.

Of course, as soon as she jumped out, Su Jingfeng was stopped in front of him. His blood was red, his eyes were weird, like a devil crawling out of hell, "Yuner, come home with me."

"Su Jingfeng, you let me go." Feng Tianlan took out the Bingmo sword, pointing at Su Jingfeng, his voice was cold like a knife.

Mobai is in danger and she is going to save Mobai.

Su Jingfeng looked at Feng Tianlan in a red wedding dress, the long skirt, with the autumn wind rising high, and the ice soul sword flashed reflectively, piercing his blood-red eyes, a blood-red in front of his eyes And everything goes back to that year.

She is Yuner, she can only be his.

"Good, go home." Su Jingfeng's voice was cold, but there was a strange tenderness.

Feng Tianlan looked coldly, raised his Soul Sword, pierced Su Jingfeng, without any nonsense, whoever stopped her to save Mo Bai, he should die!

Su Jingfeng raised his hand, and a **** red sword appeared in his hand. With a gentle wave, the strong sword energy and spiritual force approached Feng Tianlan, pressing her hardly.

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