The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1605: Simo Bai: I will hold you no matter how painful 7

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Si Mobai just sat by the bed like that, from the setting sun to the sky, he couldn't bear to look away. I always felt that it was not enough to look at her.

Feng Tianlan woke up leisurely, and Sime Bai's affectionate and focused look came into his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he could see him and smiled contentedly, "Mobai."

"Laner ..." Si Mobai stretched out his hand to help her, but paused in the air again, and the joy on his face became uneasy. He was afraid of hurting her, and he couldn't bear to hurt her.

Feng Tianlan watched his hand stop in the air, and sat up on his own, asking in confusion, "Maibai, what's wrong?"

"Huh?" Si Mobai looked back.

"How to reach out and stop." Feng Tianlan stretched out his hand to pull his hand, but saw that he hid quickly, which made her frown in confusion. What happened, and found that Mobai was quite wrong.

Si Mobai watched her frown, and rubbed her hands and rubbed her clothes with a smile, explaining, "When the husband just released his hands, he didn't have time to clean his hands."

"Huh? What does this have to do with pulling my hand?" Feng Tianlan looked at him puzzled.

Seeing her so confused look, she was so innocent and cute, and Sima Bai couldn't help laughing, "The solution for the husband is to help Xiaobai, so the husband doesn't want to get dirty."

Feng Tianlan froze for a moment, and then quickly understood that there was a little white face, which turned red, a little hot, with lowered eyes, and muttered, "Now I'm afraid of dirty I'm not afraid before. "

Before, I asked her to help Xiaobai with a five-finger girl. At that time, he was not afraid to dirty her, but ...

Si Mobai's ears were very good. No matter how small her voice was, she listened to it, looking at her so shamelessly, and couldn't help but smile, "That's different, that's male joy ..."

"Go and clean your hands, don't talk nonsense." Before he finished speaking, Feng Tianlan blushed and reached out and gently pushed him.

Sima Bai frowned, looking down at Feng Tianlan's hand, touching it on his arm, even though he was wearing clothes, it made him feel stinging, and then it passed to his heart again and again, the pain worsened, like What's in my heart, it's down.

After a while, his face turned pale.

"Mo Bai, what's the matter with you?" Feng Tianlan looked up and saw Sima Bai's face turned pale, and she no longer pushed him. She was worried.

Sima Bai turned back and looked at Feng Tianlan. Seeing that she looked normal and didn't have any pain, holding back the severe pain of the heart, she asked, "Laner, you used to feel dizzy, but now it still hurts. ? "

"No pain, maybe the vines have stopped, but what happened?" Feng Tianlan looked at him puzzled. When she was faint, the pain was really unbearable, but now she doesn't have any pain.

After hearing what she said, Simobai's hanging heart was completely let go, and she couldn't help but reach out and hug her in her arms, holding it tightly and forcefully, "Laner, you're all right Well, my husband won't make you okay. "

As his affectionate and gentle voice fell, the pain of the heart was exacerbated. If it had been said that it was going downhill, there were countless claws, scratching his heart, very sharp claws, that claw. Going down, he almost moaned with pain.

But in order not to let her worry, or let her know, he pressed the pain down hard, and didn't let himself make any noise.

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