The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1660: Feng Tianlan's family of three reunion 1

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Hearing the voice, Feng Tianlan looked up and looked at him. He was a handsome and elegant man. He stood next to the pretty girl, rubbing her nose with her hands, but her eyes were amazing from the beginning. And gradually become hostile.

"Fox." The girl murmured softly, then raised her hand to take the man's arm, "Second brother, let's go."

She looks so good, and once she got the second brother's gaze, that is, fox essence.

The man turned back from that fascination, opened the hand of the girl and strode to Feng Tianlan, "Who is the girl and why is it under Lingjian Mountain Villa?"

"I'm looking for someone." Feng Tianlan said, took out the portrait, and put it in front of the man. "Have the son seen her?"

She looks at the clothes of the two. She should be the young lady of Lingjian Villa. Before she came, she had some understanding of Lingjian Villa. The second master was natural and elegant, and she was a handsome boy. In addition, the girl called him. — Shen Hao.

Shen Hao looked down at the portrait and frowned.

"this is not……"

Before the girl finished speaking, she was pulled by Shen Hao and she cried, "Yuaner!"

This scold made her shut her mouth and dared not speak again.

Shen Hao looked at Feng Tianlan cautiously. "Who is the girl, and what is the relationship with this portrait person? What is she looking for?"

"She is my mother-in-law." Feng Tianlan glanced up at the girl, a single character, it should be Shen's sister-in-law, Shen Yuan.

It is said that the current owner of Shen Zhuang is a distant relative of the old owner, and he inherited it without a son. Then he inherited the daughter of Shen, and Shen Yuan was the daughter of the old son of the old owner. The siblings are not related by blood.

Thinking about it this way, she understood a bit of Shen Yuan's hostility towards her.

"Ha?" Shen Yuan listened to Feng Tianlan's words, couldn't help but laughed, and then looked at her with a disdainful look. "This girl really recognizes her relatives. Where did you hear the news, just run away?" I have come to recognize my mother, and I do n’t know if I have a few pounds or two. "

"Yuaner!" Shen Hao glanced at her, then looked up and asked Feng Tianlan, "What's the girl's name?"

"Feng Tianlan."

When she heard this name, Shen Yuan couldn't help laughing and smirking. She looked even more scornful. She was about to speak, and she could see that Shen Hao's eyes swept again, and she could only shut her mouth.

Shen Hao glanced at the portrait, and looked up at Feng Tianlan again. He wanted to see if there was any similarity with the portrait, but he couldn't see how it looked. In addition, he hadn't heard his mother say the name for a while. It's not easy to decide.

The mother is not in the village, and it is not easy to ask back for a while, and he is also very afraid that the girl came to seek revenge. After all, the mother was captive and came to the Supreme Continent.

"In this way, Feng Feng leaves a way to contact me. I will help."

As soon as Shen Hao's words fell, Shen Yuan became dissatisfied and pulled her face down, "Second Brother."

The portrait is a mother, and the origin of the woman is unknown. Who knows who it is, and still keeps contact information. Isn't it obvious that the second brother is intentional?

"I live in Fenglai Inn." Feng Tianlan said faintly, watching their reaction, needless to say that his mother must be in this Lingjian Villa.

Just because they are so secretive, is it possible to treat her mother-in-law?

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