Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan looked up and smiled at Si Mobai, "Don't be so nervous, it's okay."

She was ready for the worst, and hopefully he will too.

"Mother." Si Mobai reached out and clenched her hand tightly. He was very disturbed. He was always afraid of the time being too fast, and even afraid of the results after an hour, which made him unbearable.

He could die with her, but couldn't watch her die in front of him.

The more he got along, the more he regretted that he couldn't save her, and to watch her die.

"Mobai, can you think of Abao's name?" Feng Tianlan took his hand and covered her belly.

With his hands on it, he could feel the bulge faintly, but his heart was not with this child. He only cared about his Laner and only wanted him to live.

"Take a lady, always let him know that his name is from a lady, and he also has a lady."

"I really like the name of Simutian, if it's a man, it's called it." Feng Tianlan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"What if it's a daughter?"

"Daughter, take it for nothing."

"Think about it for your husband, or wait for Abao to come out, and then tell the lady." Si Mobai took her into her arms, and even if she was around, he felt empty and frightened.

At this time, she was like the sand on his fingertips. The more he wanted to hold it, the faster he lost it, but he couldn't help but hold it tight, even if it would hurt him, even if only one grain remained. He was also willing.

Feng Tianlan leaned in his arms, looked outside the courtyard, and looked at some vague white orchids. The warm sunshine was very beautiful.

"Mubai, let's go sit in the yard."

Sima Bai spoiled, and took her hand, and sat down on the swing outside the hospital. He sat on the swing. She sat on his lap. The man leaned softly in his arms. His hands were light. The light ring is on her waist.

The warm sunlight, the gentle spring breeze, and the white white orchids all set off the beauty of this scene, like a painting, and time wants to stand still at this time.

Feng Tianlan only felt the warm sunshine on his body. He couldn't help feeling tired, yawned lightly, and found a comfortable posture in his arms. "I am a bit sleepy, husband."

"Mother!" Si Mobai's body stiffened, his face turned pale instantly, and fear surrounded him.

Feng Tianlan felt his fierce emotion and looked up at him half-up. "It's really just sleepy, don't think too much, it's not the cause of Yanshoudan."

"Don't sleep." Si Mobai bowed her head and gently pressed her red lips, said arrogantly, "Don't sleep, you are not allowed to sleep for your husband."

He was afraid that this sleep is goodbye!

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "Don't sleep, listen to your husband."

Although she was sleepy, but she also wanted to sleep, and did not dare to sleep. She was afraid of falling asleep, and could not wake up again. She still had a lot of things to tell Mo Bai, and she wanted to give birth to Abao. She also wants to ...

Death is getting closer, more and more are thought, and people are more greedy and want more.

"What does the lady want to eat at night?" Si Mobai shifted the topic. He needed to talk to her constantly and not let her fall asleep.

"Braised pork ribs, fish-flavored eggplant, and stir-fried fat intestines ..." Feng Tianlan said a series of delicious food, and then he laughed. "It's okay not to say, but I feel a little hungry.

Sima Bai stared at her tightly. "Whatever the woman wants to eat, cook for her husband."

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