Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan only feels that the whole person is warm, because she cares, and feels warm. She squints, smiles softly, and is happy, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I don't know if this will happen, It scares you. "

"It's okay." Feng Yan raised his hand and wiped his tears, and said it was okay three times.

"Sister, no matter what, for the sake of your child, you have to be good." Feng Yunsheng's eyes fell on Feng Tianlan's stomach, and the pregnant woman naturally had a care in her eyes.

Feng Tianlan smiled and nodded, "I will, I will let A Bao be born safely, as well as you, and also lie in bed to raise a baby. Why did you come down and go back and rest."

Luo Yunzhu, a few of them, all turned around Feng Tianlan, and determined that she was all right, so she was completely relieved.

Si Mobai only gave them a quarter of an hour, and they drove everyone away, leaving them alone.

Feng Tianlan can't beat him, and he can only let him feed her. The careful and careful look is imprinted in her heart like a brand.

"Mo Bai, I think even in my next life, I won't forget you." I won't forget a good person like Mo Bai, the man she loves so much.

Si Mobai put down the empty bowl, took out the par, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth. "You said that in your last life, but what?"

"..." Feng Tianlan was choked for a moment, and then hummed softly, "Don't you remember me?"

Yunyi and Wuya meet in the afterlife, so they have this life.

"Even if the husband forgot you, I still fell in love with you." Si Mobai leaned down slightly and dropped a kiss gently at the corner of her lips before sitting back and looking up at her, "So, whatever At any time, my husband will fall in love with the lady. "

Even if he forgets, even if he may become enchanted in the future, even if she dies, he will die, and they will reincarnate, he will fall in love with her, which is the love imprinted in the soul.

Feng Tianlan leaned and hugged him, looked up at him slightly, and raised a happy smile. "Mo Bai said that he had three lives and three lives. Are we only two lives? That is, we have one more life."

She firmly believed that even if she died this time, she would still have the opportunity to be with him, but she must have remembered the memories of these two lives.

She wants to have the next life with him, but she doesn't want to forget the memories of these two lives. It's just such a good thing, will God make her like this?

"Stupid, where is the third life and the third life?" Si Mobai rubbed her forehead with a slightly stubble chin, and said gently and aggressively, "What I want for my husband is eternal life."

Feng Tianlan only felt that the forehead was a bit itchy, and his words, she giggled, "Eternal life, only one me, you are not tired."

"Not greasy, wouldn't it be that the lady would be greasy?"

Listening to the slightly inquisitive tone, Feng Tianlan looked up at his deep peach eyes, and said with a smile, "How can it be, the husband is so powerful, he is very demanding."

"Great?" Si Mobai raised his eyebrows slightly, the corners of his beautiful lips raised high, and his eyes implied a touch of impatience. "What did the woman say?"

"Everything is amazing, it's better than others, so why am I tired of being white?"

Seeing that she didn't understand, Sima Bai said with a light smile, "The lady must be more satisfied with the power of the bed?"

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