Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan raised her eyes and a bright smile on her face, "Don't be sad, because more than half a year has been my happiest day."

In the last time, she has ink white, father and mother, brothers and sisters, and girlfriends. The people she cares for are basically here, and she has no regrets.

Such a happy day, one day is one day, she is really satisfied.

Everyone retired with tears, stood outside the courtyard, their eyes fell tightly on the closed door, all biting their lower lips, not letting themselves cry, nor allowed to cry.

No one is dead, they are not allowed to cry because it is unlucky.

Si Mobai watched Feng Tianlan gently caressing Xiao Abao's face, seeing that there was still a smile on her face, but she felt that the palpitations were extremely painful, "Mother."

"Mobai, help me get some water, get a clean diaper, and I'll change it for Abao." Feng Tianlan looked up at Si Mobai and smiled as usual.

Simobai lowered his eyes, and made a dull hum, hit a pot of warm water, and a clean diaper, he was waiting by the bed.

Feng Tianlan sat up and untied her. She was unfamiliar and awkwardly changed Xiao Abao's diaper. Looking at the calf without her thick arms, she was very careful. For fear of being careless, she twisted broken.

When he took the handkerchief and rubbed his buttocks, he woke up, wow, it was crying, but the slightly opened eye slit seemed to see his mother-in-law, only one cry, and then closed again Closed my eyes.

Seeing him like this, Feng Tianlan couldn't help smirking, "Abao is really fine. Although I can't take care of him, I still fed him, changed diapers, and put on clothes. My wife Is n’t that good for nothing? "

Si Mobai looked at him beside him, only feeling sore and terrible.

It is unusual for a mother to change her son's diaper. Such a scene must be very warm, but now, like a thorn, stuck on his body, his pain is painful.

"If Abao asks his mother-in-law in the future, you have to say so, don't make him feel like a dear child without mother-in-law."

Sima Bai's muffled voice answered, "OK."

Feng Tianlan changed Xiao Abao's clean diaper, looked at the crumpled face, the quiet sleeping face, only felt that one heart had melted, she really had too much to bear.

"Mo Bai, I want to take a bath, can you help me?" Feng Tianlan covered Xiao Abao with a quilt and looked up at Si Mobai.

Simo nodded his head. "Okay, but you are still in the confinement. You should not take a bath."

Feng Tianlan responded. In fact, her current situation, why pay attention to what confinement is not confinement, after all, she felt that she could not live tomorrow.

Sima Bai helped Feng Tianlan take off her clothes, took a water scoop, rinsed her, looked at the crystal water drops, and slid down the smooth skin. It was a beautiful scene, but at this moment He didn't feel anything, just felt that his heart was being pulled tightly by a big hand, and he hurt.

He replaced his hair with his fingers, combed her hair, and washed the white hair hidden in the black hair, again, and his dull pain swept through his body and poured into the limbs.

He gently helped her clean her body, dress, and manage her hair. Everything was so gentle and so affectionate.

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