The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1867: Can Sima Bai see through Pingling 6

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Bi Ling looked up at Si Mobai with joy, and couldn't wait to ask, "Mo Bai, do you believe me?"

"Bring her in." Si Mobai turned coldly and entered Sifu.

Si Mobai had long legs, and his emotions were on the edge of the outbreak again. He walked up and got windy. Abao ’s small arms and calves could only walk with short legs behind him and ran after Si Mobai. “Daddy Wait, Abao. "

However, it was as if Si Mobai hadn't heard it, the whole person exuded a cold breath that was not close to him, striding ahead.

A Bao could only run hard behind him, chasing him, his face flushed, his eyes gathered with tears, and he almost cried, because he was afraid that his father would leave him again.

Sima Bai sat down in the first seat of Zhengtang, watching A Bao stretch his face, beaking his mouth, and trying to chase him in. He looked like he wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to cry.

"What are you crying for, your dad is still there." At this time, Si Mobai's mood had eased.

Abao frowned, and didn't dare to cry, letting tears swirl in her eyes. "Abao didn't cry, my father said, a manly husband, he bleeds without tears. Abao is also a man, a man who can protect his mother."

Therefore, he didn't cry. Even if he wanted to cry, he had to hide and cry alone, so he wouldn't show it to his father.

Seeing that he was not crying, especially such a face that was particularly similar to the lady, Sima Bai sighed a long time, hugged Abao, put it on his leg, and wiped his tears , Softly voice, "Daddy will protect Abao, so Abao can be himself, cry if you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh."

"Daddy, you are a big bad guy." A Bao muttered, but her tears stopped because of Smobai's sentence.

Although Dad broke a lot of times, Dad really hurt him.

Just punch this and you can forgive Dad.

Bi Ling was brought in by her subordinate's unrelenting backhand. She aggrieved her face, and looked at Sima Bai, who was sitting high on the top seat, and coursed the child, full of grievance and doubt.

She couldn't figure it out, didn't Si Mobai love her very much? Because she changed a skin he hated, so he didn't love it? Still sick of it?

Did n’t you say yes, no matter what she became, would n’t she not love?

Sima Bai looked at Bi Ling coldly. He wanted to ask some questions, but looking at those eyes, he felt that the string in his brain was trying to connect somewhere in the heart.

He knew clearly that the place was Lan'er, where it was only for Lan'er, and there must not be any beating for other women. He didn't allow this to happen.

"Take it down and detain it first." Si Mobai closed his eyes anxiously, and waved his subordinates to take them down.

"Ink ..."

"Too noisy, plug her mouth." Simo Bai ordered coldly, then the voice stopped abruptly.

A Bao blinked, looked at Bi Ling, and then looked at Si Mobai, "Daddy, why does she have the same ring as her mother?"

"Go, Dad will take you to find his mother." Si Mobai opened his eyes and hugged Abao and then left and left Sifu.

As soon as he heard his mother, Abao clapped his hands happily. "Okay, find my mother, find my mother."

A holy order, all the people in the boundless sanctuary gathered outside the Temple of Shock, waiting for the order.

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