The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1871: Sima Baidai attacked the Temple of Shock 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

She knew that Mobai would come, and Mobai would definitely find her, and that's why she believed in Mobai.

She wants to see Mo Bai, and now she wants to see him, to see if he is okay, even if she glances, she will be satisfied.

By the way, the person also said that Mo Bai brought a child, is that her treasure?

It must be Abao. She really wanted to see him again. She wanted to hug him again. She wanted to tell Abao that she loved Abao very much.

Su Jingfeng looked down on the ground, smiling, full of expectations, like Feng Tianlan who got infinite strength, blood eyes scarlet, he stood in front of her, blocking her way, Hearing his name is just like hearing the medicine of spring movement, makes you so excited? "

Feng Tianlan just raised his eyes and looked at him coldly, passed him side by side, and climbed hard. What if her legs were broken, she was still alive, she could climb, and she could look at him.

"Feng Tianlan, have you ever thought about how ugly you are in the crawling posture, how much like a dog? A dog who sees a bone?" Su Jingfeng's eyes were red, and he was angry, how could he speak politely.

Feng Tianlan didn't seem to hear him, but just moved forward, because in front of her, there was her ink, and her child, that was her hope, her world.

They are her world, and she naturally returns, even if she just hides in a stun.

"Come here, look at Feng Tianlan, you must not let her go out, if necessary ..." Su Jingfeng ordered the servant girl, looked at Feng Tianlan, and gritted her teeth. "Don't hurt her, otherwise Take your sins. "

The maidservants responded, blocking Feng Tianlan's way.

"Feng Tianlan, climb if you like to climb. Gu Gu has never seen such a cheap person." Su Jingfeng stepped out of the high threshold, and the heavy door closed.

He knew how arrogant Feng Tianlan was, just like Yun Yi, who was rather dead than climbing.

But now Feng Tianlan, in order to escape from him, to see Sima Bai, hesitates to crawl on the ground. As for what kind of image and pride, he has long disappeared.

And he hated it, was jealous, and felt that he was really cheap. At this time, he was worried about her catching a cold, and also thought that because of Si Mobai, she lost her arrogance.

What's so good about that Si Mobai, is it worth her to become like this?

Feng Tianlan looked up at the closed door, her bright eyes suddenly dimmed, it was hopeless.

There is only one door, but she has no way, even if only one glance, a distant glance, she is impossible.

At this point, Sima Bai was out of patience, raised his powerful spiritual ball, raised it high, and banged, and fell on the thick enchantment, and the enchantment was torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye. It will soon be completely crushed.

Su Jingfeng came out, watching Si Mobai's spirit ball come down again, he was busy raising his hands to repair the enchantment with spirit power, but it was too late, and another spirit ball fell.


The enchantment was completely destroyed. Obviously, Si Mobai did not want to keep his strength to deal with Su Jingfeng, because he was impatient and didn't want to wait for a quarter of an hour.

"Si Mobai, the endless temple and Jingtian Temple have been peaceful for thousands of years. Are you about to break it?" Su Jingfeng raised his eyes and saw the little baby in Sima Bai's arms, and narrowed his eyes.

Is this Feng Tianlan's child?

It really looks like her.

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