The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1893: Abao set out to find his mother 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Abao looked at Sima Bai standing at the door of the house, looked at the people coming and going on the street, looked up at him doubtfully, "Daddy, aren't you looking for a mother? Why don't you go?"

"Your mother didn't come back." Si Mobai's voice was a little cold, and it was more about listening to the injury.

A Bao blinked his eyes, then nodded frustrated, "Oh."

"Abao can go out to find his mother." Si Mobai clenched his hands tightly. The blank letter, if it was not from Feng Tianlan, had been crushed into pieces at this time.

Abao looked up at his small head and looked at him very puzzled. "But dad didn't say, would you want Abao to go after his lifetime?"

Before, my father had the idea of ​​asking him to find his mother. However, thinking that his birthday was approaching, he wanted to help him to find his mother before his birthday, but now he is only a few days away from his birthday, so his father asked him to find his mother. Is it?

"Abao doesn't want to find his mother?" Si Mobai took Abao's hand and took him to the house.

A Bao glanced down at the wooden sword held tightly in his hand, then narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Of course I think."

"That's fine."

"But Abao can't bear to be dad. When can Abao be with his father and mother?" Abao looked at Si Mobai with hopes and bright eyes.

Sima Bai stopped and looked down at Abao.

"Everyone else's family has fathers and mothers-in-law, can Abao have only fathers and no mothers, and no fathers and mothers?" Abao blinked, her eyes were wet, and she was about to cry.

He also wants his father and mother to be together, a family of three, holding hands, is this the best?

Soft and cute, cheese-like sound, full of loss and sadness at this time, the shallow cry, people's heart is broken.

Sima Bai looked down at A Baoxiao's poor, his heart was softened, he bent over and hugged Abao, and he froze on his fleshy little face, "Daddy also missed it, but now There is a big bad guy who took your mother away, we have to get her back, and our family of three will be reunited. "

"A Bao will knock down the big bad guy." A Bao stunned, he raised the wooden sword in his hand, with piercing eyes, looked straight at the wooden sword, as if he had knocked down the big bad guy.

Si Mobai rubbed Abao's head, "What's more, Abao didn't like to face that bad woman?"

"Yes, Abaochao doesn't like it. He dare to call himself Abao's mother. Abao who listens to him wants to be embarrassing." Abao was very angry when he thought of the stinky woman.

"Then Abao go to find his mother, go tomorrow." Si Mobai held Abao and walked to the yard.

"What about Dad?" Abao looked at him puzzled, "Don't Dad go with Abao?"

"Daddy won't go."

"Why? Dad isn't afraid that Abao is in danger? Abao is still a three-year-old child."

Listening to A Bao's words, Si Mobai couldn't help crying and laughing. He usually didn't admit that he was a three-year-old child.

"Because there are big baddies and dads, my mother dare not come out."

A Bao crooked his head, blinked, and looked at Si Mobai sloppily. He seemed to understand, "Did your father do something bad and make your mother unhappy?"

"Abao talks so much." Simobai dismissed it.

"Daddy is so disgusted, he won't see Abao tomorrow, will he miss it?"

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