Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The woman really is not a good thing, nor can she touch it. When she touches it, she feels uncomfortable. It is very cold, and she feels her face hot and her fingers uncomfortable.

He put his hand in the water, rubbed it hard, and seemed to be holding Feng Tianlan, contaminated with something unclean.

When I changed my clothes and looked at Feng Tianlan lying in bed, I didn't know how to live and die, and frowned, before going to Xiaomo, who was in the wind and rain, looking for Feng Tianlan all over the mountain.

When the mask man asked, I realized that Feng Tianlan ran out of the wooden house like a mad man last night, but the mountain road was winding and steep, and she had difficulty moving again and rolled off the roadside.

Because he set up a formation on that mountain peak, Feng Tianlan who should have fallen down the mountain and fell to the mountain directly fell to his mountain, but just because of the fall, the branches of his clothes pierced his body, and there were many wounds on his body. He also fell unconscious, and was even split by Tian Lei.

When Xiao Mo changed Feng Tianlan's clean clothes, the mask man checked her and looked at the thin wounds on her face and the large piece of Wu Qing on her forehead, and raised her brow lightly. It ’s not dead, it ’s really fatal. "

Not only did she not die, she also seemed to get a turnaround. Is this good or good for her?

At this time, Feng Tianlan only felt that she was in a **** color. She looked up at the sky, a blood moon, hanging high in the sky, and seemed to have a pair of eyes, staring at her desperately, wanting Swallowed her the same.

Suddenly, she saw a small black shadow in the blood moon, and then flew towards her, getting closer and closer, and she saw more and more clearly, that is Abao!

A Bao opened her arms and smiled at her, happily darted into her arms, and she quickly reached out to hug A Bao.

But all of a sudden, under the blood moon, there was a huge black shadow approaching, like a huge demon claw, caught Abao, she heard Abao's fearful scream, she reached out and tried to catch Abao But in the blink of an eye, Abao disappeared into the blood moon.


Feng Tianlan shouted piercingly. She widened her eyes, looked at the roof, opened her mouth like a fish leaving the water, and breathed in a big mouth, her eyes and face filled with panic.

"Wake up." Looking at Feng Tianlan's ghostly look, the masked man was full of abandonment.

I have never seen a woman sleeping so ugly, waking up so ugly, and horrified as if she had seen death.

Hearing the sound, Feng Tianlan seemed to be back, slowly turning his head, and seeing the cold silver mask, the whole man sat up fiercely, fast, and grabbed the man in the mask. She shouted at him angrily: Where is Abao, what about my son? Where is my Abao?

The mask man didn't expect her emotions to be so excited, nor did she expect that she would come to poke his collar, that warm fingertips hit his skin, making him uncomfortable.

What made him even more disgusted was that Feng Tianlan's wrinkled face was enlarged in front of him, very old and ugly. She opened her mouth and shouted at him silently and angry.

"Let go." Looking at the old face, coupled with the warm fingertips made him feel hot, made him uncomfortable, and pushed Feng Tianlan directly and violently away.

With a bang, Feng Tianlan was thrown into the bed again, and his forehead, which was struck last night, was struck again. This time he broke the skin and exuded blood.

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