Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

He thought that he might not see her in this life, but after three years, after she was awake, he was the first person she knew to see her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a smile in his eyes, which was an emotion he didn't understand.

"Guo Shi, why are you here?" Feng Tianlan looked at the Gu Shi in surprise. She didn't expect to go down the mountain. The first person she saw turned out to be Gu Shi.

The teacher opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer, but just asked, "You are still alive."

She's alive, but it's nice.

In this way, you can figure out why when she died three years ago, the destiny contract on Si Mobai did not start, and died with her.

That's because Feng Tianlan wasn't dead. She was alive, but she was in a coma because of poisoning.

And that time Sima Bai almost died, it was his desire to live, and his heart died with her.

But anyway, it's best to be alive now.

Feng Tianlan murmured shallowly, "I'm still alive, I promised you before, I will still do it."

The Chinese teacher helped her a lot, and she also said that he should put him in the ranks of those he cares about.

The Chinese teacher looked at Feng Tianlan, wearing a Umbrella, and could not see his face through the tulle. "So, this seat is still the same."

"Pu Xia."

Hearing this name, the teacher instinctively raised his eyes and looked at Feng Tianlan in amazement.

"Pu Xia," Feng Tianlan called again.

A low, dumb voice called out a name he was about to forget, even a bit disgusting.

However, this shout was different from what Meng Chun shouted. At least it fell into his ears, and it sounded different.

He didn't know how it was different, but at least he could tell that he didn't like Meng Chun calling him like this, but he was willing to Feng Tianlan call him like this.

"Isn't Puxia the name of a teacher?" Feng Tianlan raised an eyebrow before seeing him.

"Yes." The teacher replied a little eagerly, this eagerness, which he could not feel, as if he answered late, and she no longer called the name.

Looking at some stupid Chinese teachers, Feng Tianlan laughed softly and said, "Since you want to be someone you care about, that's your friend. I will call you Pu Xia later."

"Friend?" The National Teacher was a little confused. He had no friends. He had always been alone.

Feng Tianlan said quietly, "Yeah, friend, so you can call me Tianlan, you don't have to call me Feng Feng so strangely."

To care about a person, you can't do it intentionally, but to find out how good the person is from getting along, and then you carelessly care about it.

After all, care about a person, not just talking about it.


As soon as these two words were exported, the teacher felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was too intimate, making him feel uncomfortable. However, he felt good and smooth with these two words.

Feng Tianlan looked at the response of the teacher, but she felt a little cute, "Does the teacher have no friends?"

This kind of Chinese teacher looks a little different from the Chinese teacher she knows.

"It's not necessary." The teacher thought of the purpose of this visit, and looked away, afraid to look directly at Feng Tianlan, "We will not be friends."

At least, after hearing what she said, she wouldn't want to be friends with him.

Moreover, he has no passions and no need for friends.

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