The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1918: Tianlan and Abao met each other 4

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

My heart is as dead as it may be!

Her a treasure was in front of her, but she couldn't recognize it. What kind of torture and discomfort was that?

"Don't your mother keep it?"

The sound of milk and milk, with crying and resentment.

This voice made Feng Tianlan's body stiff and couldn't believe it.

"My mother really hates Abao, so don't even Abao go?"

The crying sound gradually choked, Feng Tianlan seemed to be able to see A Bao's face, covered with tears, and looked at her with a grievance.

And she still had to be stiff, and did not dare to look back, or even dare to stop Xiao Mo. She was afraid that she could not help but call him Abao.

"My dear!" A Bao was angry, and his little body flickered, and he landed in front of the wheelchair, blocking their way.

Feng Tianlan raised her head and looked at the little baby girl in front of her. Although her face was not full of tears, her dripping eyes were covered with tears. Seemingly angry looking at her.

She was completely stunned, did Abao recognize her?

How is this possible?

She gave birth to Abao and fell into a coma. Seeing that Abao is now about three years old, how could Abao recognize her?

"Little brother, you recognize the wrong person." Xiao Mo didn't have that much emotion, she talked to Abao lightly.

A Bao blinked and stared directly at Feng Tianlan in a wheelchair. Although she was recognized by a tulle, this was his mother-in-law, who just called him just now.

"Abao has been looking for his mother for four months." Abao blinked, and the big teardrops fell instantly, and he was extremely wronged.

A Bao was crying, and then a small body jumped, and Xiao Mo was unable to respond before he fell on Feng Tianlan.

Suddenly there was a soft little milk bag on her body, which made Feng Tianlan choke, her head was blank, and she didn't even know what to think.

A Bao is so soft, with a milky fragrance on her body, that little fat hand hugs her neck, a little man like him ...

"Daddy doesn't want Abao anymore, and mother doesn't want Abao anymore, so what do you give birth to Abao?" Abao hugged Feng Tianlan's neck, and cried loudly across the tulle.


Feng Tianlan hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Mo hurriedly said, "Miss, my son is waiting for you."

Xiao Mo's voice made Feng Tianlan wake up instantly and calm down. She looked at Abao who was still on her body. This soft body made her want to hug her again.

But she really couldn't recognize it and couldn't answer him.

Feng Tianlan froze the corner of her lip, took a deep breath, pressed down the desire to recognize him, and said in ventral, "Little brother, you ... recognize the wrong person."

I used to feel it was too painful to speak, but at this time I felt it was too painful to speak.

Her Abao just hugged her like this and called her a mother-in-law, but she couldn't recognize her, and couldn't ask him more, what father didn't want him?

Why didn't Mo Bai bring Abao, and how could he let Abao come to this remote place?

A Bao is still so young, why is he willing and willing to let him come alone?

A Bao loosened Feng Tianlan's neck, blinked, and looked at Feng Tianlan, always felt that the veil in front of them was really annoying.

He rolled his eyes slowly, "You are A Bao's mother, and A Bao won't recognize the wrong person."

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