The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 1922: Tianlan and Abao met each other 8

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

In the inn, Feng Tianlan watched Xiao Mo's bed, and wanted to put A Bao on the bed to make him sleep better, but A Bao in his sleep was holding her clothes tightly in his mouth. He murmured softly, "My dear, don't want Abao."

Hearing this, Feng Tianlan's body froze, looking down at A Bao who closed her eyes.

"Abao will be obedient, don't leave Abao."

A Bao's voice murmured and fell into Feng Tianlan's ears. She just felt like a needle stick and made her very distressed. She hugged A Bao tightly. "Mother didn't want A Bao."

How could she be reluctant to let him go, but her destiny was frightening, and now she could not recognize Abao.

"Abao will protect his mother, so don't leave Abao, okay?"

Feng Tianlan, who was begging with cries, was trembling in her heart, and was full of distress for Abao. She really did not want Abao. How could a parent not want a child?

In the past, how did Mo Bai tell her about Abao, and why would Abao think she didn't want him.

When Feng Tianlan hugged Abao tightly, the little man in her arms opened a slit quietly, looked at her quietly, felt her mood swings, and smiled slyly, Then continue obediently.

Sure enough, Dad was right, the mother-in-law was the knife tofu heart, he only said a few words, the mother-in-law softened.

It seems that he will sell miserably in the future so that he can keep his wife.

The mother-in-law is so fragrant and so soft, so much better than her father, he decided to leave with his mother-in-law instead of father.

Feng Tianlan held Abao and tried to put Abao on the bed to sleep a few times, but she let go a little, and Abao moved, clutching her clothes tightly and shouting with a cry. Mother, even crying.

In this way, Feng Tianlan was reluctant to put Abao on the bed, but instead sat in a wheelchair and hugged Abao to sleep.

If Sima Bai was here, she would definitely give Abao a few slaps, and dare to bully his lady like this?

It was gradually getting dark, the interior was lit by candlelight, and the outside was whizzing coldly.

With a squeak, Xiao Mo came in with dinner, watching Feng Tianlan still holding Abao in that position, and whispered, "Miss, I'm eating."

"Go and eat first, I'll wait for Abao to wake up." Feng Tianlan's gaze was always on Abao's face. It was full of motherly love. She looked at Abao, but she didn't see enough.

Xiao Mo glanced at Feng Tianlan, how could the gentle motherly breath be hidden from her.

Like a lady, can she hide her identity?

A Bao was originally reluctant to leave Feng Tianlan's embrace, so even if she woke up, she did not open her eyes, but closed her eyes and quietly nestled in her arms.

At this moment, when I heard that I was eating, I guess it was definitely too late, no matter how unwilling she was, I had to let my mother eat.

A Bao was very intimate. He naturally moved his body, opened his eyes, looked up in a sleepy manner, and shouted softly, "Mother-in-law."

This shout, Feng Tianlan shouted, was all over.

"Woke you up?"

A Bao squinted and squinted Feng Tianlan with a small head. "No, I just smell the scent and wake up hungry."

"Just eat dinner, let's eat together, but don't be hungry." Feng Tianlan only felt that A Bao was in her arms, her whole heart was crisp, her A Bao was too cute and too soft.

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