Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

This house is a stronghold of Woundless Sanctuary in the lower bounds. It is not prosperous, but it is also rich and safe. It is surrounded by its own people.

Simobai pushed her to a pavilion with gauze hangs all around. I don't know why, but it didn't blow up with the wind, but blocked the cold wind out.

He looked at the tea set on the table, boiled the tea gracefully, and raised his eyes from time to time to glance at Feng Tianlan. The tenderness and tenderness in the peach eyes could not be concealed.

Feng Tianlan looked at it quietly, and then asked, "How have you been in these three years?"

"No talk, why not talk?"

This answer made Feng Tianlan stunned for a moment, but this was a knowing answer, she still asked.

"No matter how bad it is for a husband, it is better than a woman. The bitterest is a woman." Si Mobai looked at Feng Tianlan's ordinary face, and then looked down at her legs, very distressed, anxious to sit in a wheelchair Man is him.

The moment Si Mobai's eyes fell on her face, Feng Tianlan touched her face involuntarily, then narrowed her eyes, her face, did she dare to see him?

Seeing Feng Tianlan's movement, Sima Bai frowned anxiously, "What's wrong with the lady?"

"It's all right." Feng Tianlan looked up and smiled reluctantly, her face, she dare not let him see.

Sima Bai stopped the action of making tea, and stared at Feng Tianlan's ordinary face with frowning eyes, and opened his eyes with a frown, "If the lady doesn't want to restore her original appearance, she would not be reluctant to do so, anyway. As long as she is a woman, no matter what it is, she is happy for her husband. "

She probably didn't want to know each other, because she was afraid he would find her, so she was easy to accommodate.

If the woman doesn't want to, he won't force her.

Feng Tianlan let go of his hand, looking at Si Mobai's three-inch beard, his skin was still fair, but it was not as smooth as jade as before, and it seemed that he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes.

She looked at him and had a lot of words to tell him, but she didn't know what to say, and only felt that she looked at him so quietly and was satisfied.

"But I hate to be a husband?" Si Mobai cooked the tea and poured a cup for Feng Tianlan. In the face of her gaze, he touched his beard a little bit.

Feng Tianlan shook her head lightly. "Do n’t I wake up? You must not shave your beard for a lifetime?"

Looking at this length, it stayed for a long time. It has been scratched since three years ago.

Simo nodded his head, "That's the promise of the lady. The lady can't keep her word."

Feng Tianlan lowered her eyes. Although she woke up, the poison was not resolved, she could still die, and the time was uncertain.

Seeing Feng Tianlan like this, Si Mobai's heart froze a bit, with a very bad hunch, "Mother."

Feng Tianlan raised her eyes and smiled, "You almost broke your word."

Si Mobai looked straight at her, took the tea cup and tapped, but didn't answer.

"Three years ago, you almost died with me. You promised me that you would live well and raise Abao well." Feng Tianlan was slightly distressed, because of his sincere feelings, but also heartache. .

She just wanted him to live.

Sima Bai put down the tea cup and said quietly, "So, you have to live well, because Huang Quan is blue and blue, your husband will accompany you."

"Ink ..."

Sima Bai said calmly, "There is no life in a world without a woman, and this time she can live, because the woman is only in a coma, and she hopes to live for her husband."

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