Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Feng Tianlan looked at Si Mobai, who was teaching Abao with a questioning method, and pinched the corner of his lower lip. This guidance method is still possible, so let Mo Bai teach it.

As for the stationery in her hand, she only felt thousands of pounds at this moment, making her heart follow the heavy.

"So does Bao Bao hate the bad guy who broke up his parents?"

A Bao frowned and nodded slightly, angrily said, "Hate, if A Bao is very powerful, you must take good care of this bad guy, tell him to break up his father and mother, so that A Bao cannot be with his father and mother , Big bad guy. "

"Abao is so powerful in the future, will he be such a bad guy?" Simo Bai asked seriously.

Listening to Simobai's question, Abao blinked, then shook his head, "No, other children are so pitiful. Abao just wants to beat the bad guys, just to protect his father and mother, why do he want to be a bad guy."

Abao's words let Sima Bai and Feng Tianlan be relieved. Abao is kind in nature. As long as the guide is good, such a thing will not happen. It must be good and don't let him have extreme ideas.

"The father and mother said something to Abao, okay?"

Seeing Somo Bai's serious tone, Abao rolled his eyes and nodded heavily. "Daddy said, Abao will listen carefully."

"Abao is not a person in this world ..."

"Ah?" Abao froze, and then bitterly face, tears in his eyes, "Abao is not a human, is Abao a monster? Oh, oh, do n’t be a nasty monster, Monsters can eat people. "

Sima Bai's heavy heart was eliminated by Abao's trouble, rubbing his little head with a smile, "Abao is not a monster, Abao is the father and mother's baby son." "Abaozhen Not a monster? "A Bao opened his watery eyes and looked at Si Mobai pitifully.

Sima Bai nodded lightly, "Of course not, but A Bao is a very powerful demon."

"Ah?" Abao was stunned again. "Abao has only heard of the devil, not the devil. What is this? Is it a bad person or a good person? Will he be hated?"

"A Bao, one's good or bad, don't define it by species. People have good people, beasts have good beasts, and demons have good ones. It's good or bad, just one thought, okay?"

Abao seemed to understand, but carefully considered three times, and seemed to understand a bit, "Abao is not very understanding, but Abao knows that people are good or bad, and animals are good or bad."

"Well, Abao is so smart." Sima Bai praised.

A Bao grinned, eyes wide, and smiled. "A Bao also thinks that A Bao is the smartest. He is smarter than his father and looks better than his father."

Seeing Abao so innocent, Si Mobai chuckled, "Abao is right, so Abao doesn't care what he is, just feel conscience."

"Uh-huh ~" Abao leaned over and squeezed Si Mobai's neck. "Daddy, Abao likes you so much."

Feng Tianlan looked at the father and son and smiled. She liked Mo Bai to teach Abao this way. Every time she spoke, she would either hold Abao up or squat down and look directly at Abao.

Although he did not tell Abao about the blood moon of the demon god, it is not necessary now, and Abao will understand it in the future.

The responsibility on her shoulders and Mo Bai's shoulders is even greater, and Abao needs to be better protected to grow up.

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