Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

But it was also right. She wanted to please Abao, and was still thinking that she couldn't find a chance. Now she took the initiative to deliver it to her. She would have to see who Abao would face.

Compared with Feng Yan, she thinks that A Bao is better at cheating. After all, she is just a four-year-old child, with intellectual ability or something.

Thinking about this, Bi Ling also wanted to open, instead of frowning, he gave Abao a meal, "Abao eat more, what do you want to eat, talk to my mother ... tell me, look back to me Make it for you. "

Bi Ling's timely opening naturally attracted Feng Ye's attention and distress, and she couldn't help looking at Feng Tianlan who was eating quietly.

It was this woman who robbed Laner's husband and Laner's son. If Abao had told her, she would really disdain to eat with such a woman.

Feng Tianlan looked at the hand, and sighed helplessly in her heart. Sure enough, now she does nothing, and in her mother's eyes, it is all wrong.

A Bao ghost elf gave them a glance, and then smiled and gave Bi Ling a dish, and even put chopsticks in his mouth to bite. Then he stirred in the porridge again and took a big sip.

After sitting all this, Abao stepped down the stool, holding the remaining half bowl of porridge, walked towards Bi Ling, and poured into her bowl, "Auntie, my mother said, want fair competition, so Abao I also give you the opportunity to prove who is Abao's mother. "

"Uh ..." Bi Ling looked at the white porridge in the bowl, thinking about A Bao's movement of chopsticks, and took another sip. Isn't there any drool in him?

Thinking of this, Bi Ling could not help frowning, but still frowned. Although it was a child's saliva, she still felt dirty, especially when Abao intentionally stirred with chopsticks, she felt even more dirty.

Abao crooked his head, blinked his eyes, muttered his mouth, and looked at Bi Ling with some grievances. "Auntie is abandoning Abao's leftovers, so don't you eat?"

"No, that is, Abao, you haven't eaten enough, let alone porridge, I'm full." Bi Ling explained with a smile, now dare to say dislike, Feng Ye will doubt her.

But she really didn't want to eat the drool of the little boy, and didn't want to.

Abao blinked and said muffled, "It really isn't your mother, and your mother will not abandon Abao's leftovers."

As he said, Abao lowered his head, slowly moved small steps, and returned to Feng Yan's side, lying on her lap with a grievance, and asked with a sullen voice, milky and milky. Did my grandmother ever abandon her mother ’s leftovers? "

"How can it be, being a mother, I will never abandon my children for a lifetime." Feng Yan rubbed Abao's small head lovingly, looked up at Bi Ling, and frowned slightly.

Bi Ling hit a spirit, and explained quickly, "Abao has always been against me, and now suddenly treats me well, I am a bit flattered, I haven't returned to God just now."

Talking about looking at the half-bowl of white porridge, thinking of her purpose, biting her teeth, she took it up and ate it, and she had already reached this point, and she must not give up.

Now I convinced Feng Ye that the next step was Abao, and then Si Mobai, and Feng Tianlan had nothing and the betrayal left.

Thinking like this, Bi Ling endured nausea, drank the white porridge in one breath, looked up and looked at Abao with happiness, praised, "Abao is really a good boy."

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