Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

But now this result, she has been very satisfied, really satisfied.

Si Mobai looked down at Feng Tianlan, and reached out and rubbed the top of her head. "You have such a small heart, so you are satisfied."

What happens to this kind of thing when it falls on others, and will it be resentful? Resent the closest ones, don't trust them? Maybe, after all, not everyone can think from the perspective of others.

"Of course, if the heart is big, others will come in, and the position of Mobai will be less." Feng Tianlan looked up and looked at him with a smile.

What this means is that my heart is so small that I live alone with you.

Si Mobai was so courageous that he looked at Feng Tianlan in a wheelchair. My heart was a little itchy, and I bent down directly, hugged her, and let her sit on the window lattice. He took her waist from behind, let her lean on his body, and looked outside with her. Landscape.

"Did Mo Bai hear that Sister Lin came, and came back to accompany me?" Feng Tianlan looked down at the big hand that he folded on her stomach, and put Bai Nen's slender hand on it.

Sima Bai didn't answer, "I asked Bai Xue for my husband. By the way, I checked him. There was some news, so let's talk to the lady."

"Huh?" Feng Tianlan raised an eyebrow. She only found it in the morning. Does Mo Bai have any news now?

"The white snow is afraid of being a **** on the floating island, and if the husband is not wrong, he should be the snow **** in the ice. It is said that the three major floating islands were battled by the gods thousands of years ago. It just broke down before it floated ... "

Si Mobai investigated more, just holding Feng Tianlan like this, watching the scenery of the recovery of everything outside, telling the story of Bai Xue like a story.

Feng Tianlan also listened carefully and wanted to analyze some information from it, but it didn't seem to be useful.

"Thousands of years ago, it stands to reason that the information should not be so small." Feng Tianlan asked, looking at Sima Bai.

Their past life was a thousand years ago. Supreme Master Continent still tells the truth about them. Can they add another one hundred years forward, and there is so little information?

"People only think that the floating island is the biggest, and no further news has gone down, it is not known, it is not strange, or someone has intentionally erased it and does not want to let people know."

Feng Tianlan frowned, "I'm just afraid of that human figure, isn't it?"

Speaking of this, Si Mobai frowned, and he almost forgot that he had a magic energy in him. In recent years, I wonder if he has been in the ice field for a long time, or reunited with the lady again. Quiet, his body is not uncomfortable.


Thinking of the possibility of falling into the magic, Si Mobai frowned anxiously. He hadn't told the lady about it yet.

"What is Mo Bai thinking?" Feng Tianlan could not hear Si Mobai for a long time, looked up at him, and saw his brows froze, and his heart hung up.

Sima Bai returned to God, "I also checked the existence of the demon for my husband, which is not as scary as we think, so don't worry too much about A Bao, he was not an ordinary person by birth."

Feng Tianlan nodded lightly. "I only hope that Abao can grow up healthy and happy. As for the rest, follow him."

"We have to come one by one. Don't worry, we sent someone to find out Bai Xue's news, maybe some mysteries can be solved." Sima Bai took her out of the window.

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