Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Upon hearing this, Feng Tianlan was distressed immediately and looked at Si Mobai, "Mo Bai ..."

A Bao suddenly opened his eyes, his mother opened his mouth, dad dare not?

"Huh?" Si Mobai raised an eyebrow.

Feng Tianlan yanked the corner of his mouth and followed A Baozheng's shoulders, "Okay."

When Mo Bai was teaching her child, she couldn't stop her, and she couldn't let Abao know how to escape in the future.

"Daddy, you've recovered your glory." Seeing her mother and daughter exploding, Abao opened her mouth in surprise.

Si Mobai patted Abao's head gently with his hand, "Go and run, don't eat after you run."

"Oh, well." Abao took off his clothes and shoes cheerfully, and she wore a thin lining. Then she took out her short legs, and Marley ran in the yard.

Si Mobai watched Abao run around, and nodded quite satisfied. This speed was very fast even if he didn't use spiritual power.

"It's still cold, is Abao okay?" Feng Tianlan was still a little uneasy. It was more distressed. It was one thing to know that she couldn't be spoiled.

"Nothing. In the ice, bare feet and thin clothes are used to it. At that time, the mountain was chasing after the snow beast."

Feng Tianlan thought about a little Abao. When she could climb, when she could walk, when she would run, every scene, although not real, was all cute.

"The lady has prepared her clothes. When Abao finishes running, dress him, prepare dinner for her husband, and supervise him by the way." Simobai said, glancing at Abao who had ran over. brat.

Abao ran over, stopped in front of Feng Tianlan, and raised his chubby hand. "My dear, Abao ran for a lap, and high-five."

Feng Tianlan smiled and held out his hand, and Abao's chubby hand slammed his palm.

"Yo, Abao ran up." After high-fiving, Abao seemed to be full of strength and stunned out.

Si Mobai looked at it, and smiled helplessly to prepare dinner.

Feng Tianlan was in the same place. Abao ran over and gave her a high-five, and then she ran out again. She thought that Abao would be very tired. As a result, after 20 laps, Abao just panted slightly, and did not Feeling tired.

On the last lap, Abao lay softly on Feng Tianlan's leg and raised his small hand, "Thirty."

After a high-flop, Abao completely slumped on Feng Tianlan, complaining in aggrieved, "Daddy is so bad, even willing to give up his four-year-old son and run so many laps, Abao's legs broke. . "

Feng Tianlan listened to A Bao's deliberately panting, only sweating on his forehead, and slightly raised his brow, "It's bad, you should add another twenty laps."

A Bao looked up and stared at Feng Tianlan, and then lay on her lap innocently. "My dear, your favorite is indeed not A Bao, and he even spoke to his father."

"People take food as their gods, and the mother wants to eat, so she doesn't dare to offend your father." Feng Tianlan put Abao on his shirt, hugged him on his lap, and headed for the flower hall.

Before running, I was quite worried about Abao, but after running, seeing that Abao ran so easily, her worry was completely unnecessary.

"In terms of food, you don't blame Dad." A Bao leaned on Feng Tianlan, and his breathing was much smoother. How could he be tired and lively?

"Abao, don't do this in the future, what if it happens?"

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