The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 2121: Phantom Mirror True and False Feng Tianlan 1

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Listening to Si Mobai's words, Bi Ling was totally stiff, and her face was in fear, a phantom, a phantom that can reflect on past and present ...

Why did she forget about the mirror? It was Simobai. He could get the mirror, but she got it. How could she lose it at this time, she was only so far away from him. .

This must not be the case, absolutely not, she will not give up, until the end, she will never give up!

Shen Berui looked at Bi Ling's horrified complexion, and she had some thoughts in her heart. She held Feng Feng in her hands and hoped that she could understand.

Bi Ling glanced and saw that everyone had begun to doubt her, and she was about to lose her asylum, and had to bite her lower lip tightly. "What about the magic mirror, really is true after all I'd like to see, she dare to face the mirror. "

She only needs to delay now, before she admits that when she gives up, she will be able to persist.

Boundless is her, no matter how long she is reincarnated, it is hers, and she will never let Yun Yi, the bitch, rob her.

Looking at Bi Ling who was struggling to die, Si Mobai gave a sneer, Bi Ling's shamelessness can be regarded as refreshing his cognition, a fake, and still consider himself to be real.

Feng Yan glanced at them, and then his eyes fell on Bi Ling. The complicated look was only uncomfortable. She no longer knew who to believe, but as long as she didn't believe it at the last moment.

"Does my grandmother believe in Abao?" Abao raised his head and looked at Feng Ye aggrievedly.

Feng Yan looked at Abao's big watery eyes, and he couldn't bear to look away. "She has your support, but Laner only believes me. She is your mother, but I am Lan's mother."

She didn't want to chill Laner, at least now when she believed, she didn't want to, if not, then she pleaded guilty to her daughter.

A Bao tooted and sighed helplessly. Although her grandmother recognized the wrong person, her grandmother was not wrong.

Bi Ling listened to their words, and was relieved a little. In any case, as long as Feng Ye still believed in her, then she didn't have to be afraid that Si Mobai would strike her. Feng Ye now was a life-saving sign to her .

Feng Tianlan waited quietly, instead of talking, just holding Abao, his expression was only gentle.

A little time passed, the wait was long, and the air was depressing. With the announcement of the guard, the depressing air that was about to suffocate was finally broken, and everyone felt a sense of breathing.

Celine and Meier came in together. They were both peerless beauties. Every step they took was as beautiful and dazzling as a lotus at their feet.

Xi Lin stepped forward, looking at Feng Yan and Shen Borui, the princess breath on her body instantly exuded, "Uncle Shen, mother Shen."

She has been with Laner since she was a child. For these two people, she has never taken on the identity of a princess, and it is now.

"His Royal Highness." As a courtier, Shen Borui was naturally a respectful salutation.

"Liner, you ..." Feng Yan wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say, she closed her mouth, she thought that Liner could still believe it.

Bi Ling looked at Xi Lin with a bad feeling in her heart, but she still bit her lower lip and greeted her, "Sister Lin ..."

Celine dodged Bi Ling's hand indifferently, and glanced at her coldly. "Sister Lin's name is not what you shout. It looks like she isn't Laner after all."

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