The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 2177: Phoenix Assassination of Feng Tianlan 7

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It wasn't until Si Mobai went in and closed the door that Feng Yunsheng felt that the horrible breath on his body had disappeared, and he dared to take a big breath.

She looked at the closed door and was very worried and wanted to stay, but she did not dare, because she identified her sister last time, made her brother-in-law very dissatisfied, and what the mother did this time ...

Feng Yunsheng sighed a long time. If she had known this, she should have died with Bi Ling then, and there would not be so many things.

Sima Bai entered the door, but saw Feng Tianlan opened his eyes, first hesitated, then hurried forward, his voice couldn't stop the joy, "Lan, you ... don't move."

It stands to reason that Lan Er's injuries are so bad that he won't wake up so quickly, but this time he woke up so fast this time, making him happy, but he couldn't stop worrying, just because ...

As soon as Feng Tianlan moved, she hurt her back, but she couldn't care less about it, "Mobai, my mother?"

When she woke up, she only asked Feng Yan, and Si Mobai was in a bad mood, and her face sank immediately.

"Mobai." Feng Tianlan hurriedly reached out to pull him, trying to sit up.

Her movement scared Si Mobai and grabbed her hand. "You lie down, she's fine, I haven't killed her, and I haven't closed her. When my father-in-law came, he was taken away."

He wanted to kill Feng Yan, but if he looked at the lady like this, could he still kill?

Really want to kill, he and the lady must be separated again. When they are blocked between them, it is not only a curse, but a deep hatred, how can they not cross the gap.

After hearing this answer, Feng Tianlan was relieved and relieved.

"Mother, she wants to kill you." Seeing her so, Sima Bai was distressed, but it was not worth her, and she was sad.

Feng Ye's start is real, and he is still looking for a deadly point. He doesn't know why he failed, but he is glad that he failed, otherwise he will lose her.

Feng Tianlan opened her eyes, full of exhaustion, "I know, but she is my mother after all, she just killed me as Bi Ling, and I chill again, I just do n’t recognize her, but not kill her, she and They are different. "

I was stabbed two times by my mother-in-law, chilling? Desperate? Resentful?

They all have them, but they are different. They are different from Tu Xiang and Shen Yunya.

The mother thought of her as Bi Ling, and wanted to kill her to protect everything she had; Tu Xiang and Shen Yunya, regardless of their blood relationship, really wanted to kill her.

Therefore, she could not kill the mother, nor could Mo Bai kill it.

As long as the mother knows the truth, the mother won't be like this.

This is wrong, this most **** person, not mother, but Bi Ling.

Sima Bai looked at her pale face, very helpless, "What Laner wouldn't let him do, wouldn't do it for her husband, so you should heal yourself."

"What about Nianer?" Feng Tianlan asked again.

"He's okay, his life has been saved, but his Dantian is broken, because he is still young and can't repair Dan for the time being, so ..." Nian'er became a man who could not cultivate.

Nian'er's talent is very good. Over time, it will definitely surpass Su Su, but unfortunately, it is destroyed.

Feng Tianlan didn't think about this, only knowing that Nianer's life was saved, and she was relieved for a long time. "Nianer is all right, everything else doesn't matter."

It is good that Nianer can live. I believe Sheng Er thinks so too. Cultivation is important, but life is more important.

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