Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

It is known that she always has a clear definition in Mo Bai's heart. Not anyone can fake it. No matter what she becomes, he can recognize it.

Mobai loved her so much, but her love was not as good as his tithe.

"I only have your memory, and of course I am Feng Tianlan." Bi Ling hysterically shouted, at that time she was Feng Tianlan, her memory, her emotions, and her preferences were all Feng Tianlan, except This face, except for this body, is not.

However, because of this, Simobai and Abao did not recognize her at all, and they also opposed her.

"Daddy and mother didn't believe me in the beginning, haha ​​..." Bi Ling smiled at the spirited phoenix and said nicely, "Mother, you really should be firm in your heart. It should be like you did n’t believe it from the beginning to the end. Me, so you won't kill Feng Tianlan. "

"It was you who made my mother kill me, and also made her take Abao away." Feng Tianlan froze, his fists clenched, and thunder and lightning flashed in her powder fist, and the power surged.

"Yeah, who makes her stupid? She always believes me, even if I refer to deer as a horse, she believes it." Looking at Feng Tianlan's look to kill, Bi Ling laughed more happily, and smiled more proudly.

Bi Ling hid behind Feng Jie's enchantment ball, and looked at Feng Tianlan with a smile. "Feng Tianlan, you have to pay attention. If you thunder the thunder force, the whole army might be overwhelmed. . "

In response to this, Feng Tianlan gritted his teeth and had to take back the Thunder Ling force in his hand deeply.

"Feng Tianlan, if you have not seen yourself as a dead person, then I am Feng Tianlan. I will be filial to my father and mother, love Abao, and then give birth to new children under Mo Bai, and be so beautiful After this life, there are not so many things now. "

Listening to Bi Ling's words, Feng Tianlan sneered, "It's difficult to change the nature of a country, let alone a fake, it's a fake, and it won't come true."

Therefore, Bi Ling who wants to have her memory may be able to do this to her father and mother for a while, but nothing will happen.

Bi Ling is just an excuse for these things.

"But you do, you want to come back, but you still recognize them." Bi Ling pointed at Feng Tianlan, questioning angrily, "You look at yourself like this, don't you know anything about it?"

"Your legs are worn out, you are dumb, what your face looks like, you know better than anyone, and you don't live long. What kind of you deserves to be white? You, a dying person, Why do you appear? Why do you love him? What do you do with him for life? "

Before Feng Tianlan spoke, she could hear Abao's immature voice, full of domineering, "Because she is my mother, my mother is my father's mother, and my father loves my mother. That's enough. "

"Abao!" Feng Tianlan's anxious face turned white, for fear of annoying Bi Ling.

Bi Ling, who was poked, walked directly towards A Bao.

"What are you rushing to me, don't move Abao." Feng Tianlan pushed the wheelchair forward hurriedly, and the enchantment ball was shaking, Abao would be in pain.

Bi Ling angrily pointed at Feng Tianlan, her face twisted, "You stop me, or I'll let him die."

Hearing this, Feng Tianlan didn't dare to act lightly anymore, but could only watch Bi Ling shake the enchantment ball, and watch A Bao scream painfully.

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