Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

The man shrouded in magic just now is really the immortal brother who isn't stained with ordinary people?

But this horrible and cold gas field is a complete brother. It is too domineering to kill the demon without blinking.

Simo Baishang had a sense of reason. When he killed two demons, he rushed to Abao. He wanted to save Abao first, and Su Jingfeng and Shadow Demon had nothing to do with him.


Seeing the movement of Sima Bai, the shadow devil could not take Su Jingfeng away, and he left for Simabai. He couldn't control anything else, but now he had to take away the demon first, otherwise he would miss this opportunity and never have No chance.

Si Mobai raised his eyes coldly, and raised his hand gently. The strong magic power formed a vortex blade, which was close to the shadow demon.

Shadow Devil's face changed drastically. This powerful magic was not something he could resist. Sima Bai wanted to kill him and **** the demon directly.

He wanted to see it, but Simebai was reluctant to bear the child.

The Shadow Devil directly placed the enchantment ball holding Abao in front of himself as a shield.


The powerful magic force hit the enchantment suddenly, and the enchantment condensed into ice burst instantly. The magic inside burst out in an instant, and it seemed as if it had exploded.


Feng Tianlan's eyes widened, and his voice, which had not been spoken for a long time, was a shout, very painful, sad, and deeply hopeless.


Seeing that Sima Bai had bombarded the power that was enough to destroy a city on Abao's enchantment ball, it also caused the explosion, and Bi Ling directly raised his head and laughed.

This is her favorite scene today.

Si Mobai killed A Bao and killed his and Feng Tianlan's children, even if it was unintentional, this can also become a gap between the two of them. If they love each other again, they will not escape this shadow. May be together.

Even in the afterlife, as long as they have the memory of this life, they will never be together.

Hahaha, God is helping her.

She couldn't get nowhere, and no one else could.

I'm so happy.

Bi Ling's laughter continued.

"Huh? Disturb God to sleep?"

With a small milk tone, immature, she was full of arrogance, and stunned Bi Ling's arrogant laughter.

She smiled, stiffened on her face, slowly lowered her head, and looked at Abao's position. There was no flesh flying as imagined, and some were just a arrogant little fart child, lying slightly sideways, lazy and dangerous Glittering eyes.

This is Abao, but it is not Abao, at least at this time, this aura does not look like Abao, but it comes from a more powerful soul.

"How can you ..." Bi Ling froze, and Sima Bai's powerful magic fell down, and Abao didn't do anything? Is it the same as being a person?

Feng Tianlan looked at Abao intact, and suddenly her whole body softened, and she wept with joy, Abao was all right, and her Abao was all right.

"This ... the demon?" Bai Xue trembled openly, listening to the tone, looking at this lazy and domineering look, really looks like a demon, isn't it that the Yuanshen is awake?

A Bao lifted his eyes and glanced at Baixue quietly. "Baicheng is like this, why don't you be a ghost?"

"..." Bai Xue grinned in his heart, but still smiled respectfully on his face, "Devil, Shadow Demon ran away."

What do you want to ridicule, let's talk about it later, now it is not in line with your domineering image to face such a baby girl.

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