The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 2231: Si Mobai looked at Feng Tianlan's face 1

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She waited, all the attitudes that might be thought of, and at this time, her eyes closed, more like a prisoner, waiting for the cruelest trial.

She believed him, but because of this, she was even more afraid to face him.

He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for him to let go, and then angered her for deception, and then left angrily.

However, the softness on her lips reflected her familiar taste, a little soft, a little iced, and a slight masculine taste, which strongly filled the tip of her nose.

She closed her eyes tightly, feeling attentively, he kissed carefully, his tenderness, like the most precious treasure in the world.

It's inky.

The thought of the person kissing her at this time was still so careful, Feng Tianlan's heart trembled, and her long eyelashes also trembled.


Bi Ling was stunned when she saw this scene, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe it.

A face that looks like a god, a wrinkled face like an old woman, such a strong contrast, but at this time it was hugging and kissing, deeply piercing Bi Ling's eyes, and also piercing her heart.

"No, it's impossible, it can't be like this, how can you not be disgusted, how can you not be disgusted, she is more than ugly, she has deceived you, how can you not dislike her?"

Bi Ling hysterically shouted at Si Mobai, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears.

Why, Feng Tianlan has become like this, he still does not hate it, but in the face of such a face, how can he keep kissing?

When a woman looks at such a face, she hates it very much. Why doesn't he hate it? Why doesn't he hate Feng Tianlan?


Bi Ling's jealousy made her look even harder at this time, looking uglier than Feng Tianlan.

It was more than stimulated by such a strong contrast. Apart from the National Teacher, they were shocked, because they were the first time to see Feng Tianlan like this, even A Bao, who just opened her eyes, was scared by this scene. He fainted again, if it wasn't the person he felt his dad was his mother, he would have been fainted.

Si Mobai kissed Feng Tianlan like he treasured the most precious treasure in the world, and loosened his lips gently, seeing that she still closed her eyes, did not dare to open his eyes to see him. Just know. "

After hearing this, Feng Tianlan's long eyelashes were trembling again, and he couldn't help but opened his eyes, and looked at Sime Bai's eyes, which were gentle and indulgent, and instantly felt that he was there and everything It doesn't matter.

"You already knew? Impossible, if you know, why are you still with her?" Bi Ling's excited face was twisted, and the dagger in her hand approached Feng Yan's neck.

It turned out that he already knew it, but why did he know it and still want to spoil Feng Tianlan like this?

Was he fascinated by Yun Yi at first? Why is she uglier than her now?

Sima Bai smiled gently at Feng Tianlan, "When she refused to show people the true face, Wang guessed that her face must be wrong, but she didn't expect it to be so serious."

Because she guessed, she was never allowed to see him in her original form because she needed protection.

"When did you know? Now that you know, why not just say so?"

When Bi Ling asked this, her voice was even more somber and resentful. She had never exposed Feng Tianlan's face, she just wanted to put it to the end and let Si Mobai see what kind of woman she was.

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