Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Because Yun Yi was guarded by the Ming Phoenix, he dared to hurt her, and Ming Huang would definitely dare to come to the God Realm and turn the world upside down! He had to consider for the God Realm and could only tolerate Yun Yi.

Let her dangle in front of him, his palace, she also come and go freely!

So entangled!

It's really annoying!

Wondering for a while, Yun Yi did so many things that annoyed him. The irritable mood was relieved, and he calmed down a bit, letting himself breathe a long sigh of relief ...

The red silk warming account, the dragon and phoenix candles, were swaying gently, and the slogans were affixed with joy everywhere, while a woman wearing a phoenix and phoenix sat beside the bed, as if waiting for him to lift his head.

Looking at this scene, he felt like a demon, reached out and lifted his hijab, the woman raised her eyes, the watery eyes, and the blushing cheeks, so beautiful and so exciting.

It's Yunyi!

She opened her red lips lightly, her voice filled with sweet and soft, "Fu Jun."

Hearing such shouts, he hooked his lips lightly, only feeling a sense of happiness, overflowing his chest, and the whole person was a little bit floating.

He picked up the wine at the table, drank with her, dropped the glass, and hugged her, "Mother."

The red wedding dress fell to the ground, the red gauze warm tent fell, and he couldn't stop shaking. He just felt her skin was slippery and soft, like a beautiful piece of cake, which made him eager to taste it, and wanted more, until it was completely in. belly.

The dragon and phoenix candle went out, and the red yarn warming account stopped shaking. Everything seemed to stop there, and time seemed to be still.

"Wow ..."

The baby cried, and a newborn baby appeared in front of him. The scene in front of him changed even more. He had to look at it in the future. The scene changed again, but he saw Yun Yi in a wheelchair. Holding the little baby in her arms, he looked at him from a distance.

"Daddy ~" the little baby shouted milkily at him.


Sitting boundlessly, he looked up coldly, looking at the end of the bed, he panted, and there seemed to be a little milk sound in his ear, which made his head blank.

Red yarn warm frying, big red 囍 character, dragon and phoenix candle, phoenix crown pheasant, Yun Yi, and a little baby ...

After clearing this up, it was also determined that this was just a dream, and I took a long breath, but fortunately it was only a dream, just a dream, a nightmare.


He grew up and never dreamed, but this is the first time he ever dreamed of it?

Wuya looked down at his hands and frowned. He touched Yunyi yesterday, and had such a dream at night? Have children?

Looks like he's a bit of a capricorn!

Going further away from Yun Yi in the future will not let her influence him, after all ...

Wuya shook his head, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed, only to find that his crotch was wet and could not help but hold it. What is this?

Although he didn't understand, he also knew that this was not a wetting bed, but something else.

Looking at the wet patch, Wuya frowned and went to bath and change clothes. At the same time, he felt ashamed and ruined the pants.

Throwing the painting in the dream to Jiu Xiaoyun, opened the heavy hall door, and saw Yun Yi carrying the food box, looking at him with a smile, "early."

Looking at such a smiling Yunyi, Wuya suddenly remembered the dream, the moment she wore the phoenix crown and opened her hijab, she laughed so happily, and the things that entangled her body later, she covered her uneasy.

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