Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Yun Yi put her hands under her head, "Ming Huang, why are you so kind to me?"

To say something because of kindness, it ’s enough for so many years. To say something like, if she did n’t know what she likes before, she might think so, but now she likes boundlessness and knows that she likes a person. What look.

Therefore, Ming Huang did not really like her look.

It's not kindness or like, so why is Ming Feng so good to her?

There is always something unclear.

"Hahaha." Ming Huang glanced at her and laughed loudly, her mood seemed very happy.

Yun Yi raised an eyebrow at him, "Why?"

What she asked was normal. Why did he laugh so strangely, as if she had made some funny jokes.

"Friendship, affection, these are enough. Besides, who makes you so stupid is the first beauty in the two realms of the devil and the demon, not guarding the point, I don't know what will happen."

Listening to this, Yun Yi directly gave him a wind blade, "You are stupid, your whole family is stupid."

"Yes, yes, the whole family is silly, my good sister." Ming Huang replied with a smile.

Yun Yi directly hit out again. If Ming Huangzhen hides like a toy, she laughs even louder, which is not kind at all.

"Xiao Yuner, what do you want to do next?" Enough smile, Ming Huang was serious. The little girl had a face, don't laugh anymore.

Yun Yi didn't understand it, hesitated for a while, "Say I am boundless?"

"Otherwise?" Ming Huang asked with a raised eyebrow. "Can it be me? Okay, I will keep you forever, let you be an old aunt, and an old aunt who can't marry."

"..." Yun Yi ripped the corner of her mouth, trying to kill Ming Huang, always hurting her.

Seeing Yun Yi angry, Ming Huang said quickly, "To be honest, what do you think? Have you kept on?"

Yun Yi looked at the blue sky at the edge of the sky and was gradually colored red by the sunset. "I do n’t know. Just stick to it if you like it. Maybe when you are tired, you do n’t like it and give up. It depends on time Yes, I cannot guarantee it. "

Time is moving, people are changing, and no one knows what will happen in the future. She can only say that she will follow her heart.

Strive for likes, give up when tired, these are normal to her.

No one stipulates that you only like one person in your life, right?

In short, she likes it now and likes it, that's right.

Ming Huang glanced at her, "He was deprived of his passions and desires since he was a child, and even if he liked you, he didn't know it."

"According to you, that is no matter how I am, even if he likes me or not, I have no hope forever?" Thinking of this possibility, Yun Yi felt that there was no love, and there was no end to distress, Too unfair.

A person even has seven emotions, six desires, and no emotions. Is that still human? Is that just a puppet? A soulless puppet, right?

This is so unfair to Endless.

"Roughly the same."

Yun Yi suddenly lost his face, and the whole person looked like a discouraged balloon. "That's not fair to the end. Who is so cruel? It's too human, it's just a beast. He will ...

"His father."

In Yun Yi's words, because of the two words of Minghuang, she was completely stuck. She looked at Minghuang sideways, "Are you kidding me? There is such a cruel father in the world?"

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