Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Yun Yi happily wanted to give Ming Huang a hug, but thinking about boundlessness, I felt it was better to keep the distance.

"Now that you've decided, do it well, don't be afraid, don't worry, there is me, the sky is down, the whole gods are here, and I will stand up to you."

Ming Huang is really extremely fond of Yun Yi. What she wants to do, he strongly supports it, even if she gives everything.

Ming Huang's words were not very heavy, but they were very serious. It was touching that seriously, and Yun Yi was also really touching.

"I'm sure, thank you father." Yun Yi pursed her lips and let in the tears that were moved.

It's really happy to meet Ming Huang.

As soon as Ming Huang heard the word at the back, his face went dark. "Speak well and shout Dad, it won't matter to you, and if your dad hears it, he will want to kill me."

"Okay, brother Ming." Yun Yi was in a very good mood and shouted very sweetly.

"Aren't you afraid that your home is jealous?" Ming Huang raised an eyebrow and made fun.

"My family knows no jealousness, and if I'm jealous now, hahaha, I can laugh to death."



Night fell, and the stars were shining and beautiful.

The highest mountain in the Divine Realm has a palace, a very simple and quiet palace. The walls of the palace are white and white, and there is only one painting. The hollow roof is made of special materials and can directly look at the starry sky.

Inside a round table in the room, there is no limit. Opposite him is a man in a Tsing Yi. It is quite interesting to see his look.

"What did you just say?" The man seemed to have heard it wrong, looking at the boundless.

Wuya coldly repeated, "How can I restore the seven emotions and six desires of the deity?"

"You say it again!" He seemed to hear something terrible.

Wuji's face was even colder, "Pu Xia, don't you want to live here?"

He had repeated it twice, and even dared to let him repeat it once, Pu Xia was really brave.

"No, no, no." Pu Xia waved her hands and nodded her head. "I understand, it seems like I didn't understand it. You never thought about it, and now you even told me that you want to recover your affection."

Wuya gave him a cold look, "Is there a problem?"

Pu Xia's head shook like a rattle. "I just don't understand. Is your brain caught by the door, so ..."

A stern look glanced back at his words, and glanced endlessly. "Well, are you serious, aren't you looking for a joke?"

Endless eyes were even colder, when did he have time to look for jokes.

Pu Xia watched it again and again, can't wait to analyze Wuya from the inside out, to see it clearly, but that's it, Wuya didn't want to leave. If it had been left before, he would have left his face and left. It might still be waiting for her here.

"I heard that there is a woman in Demon Realm recently, who likes the ones you like tightly, or the one guarded by Ming Huang?" Pu Xia asked.

Wuji didn't answer, just looked at him coldly, "Related?"

"No." Pu Xia shook her head. "I am just curious, who is so capable and can change your mind."

But think about it, now it should be related to that woman, and Wuji raised this question. At least one point can be explained. Wuji has tempted, even if he is curious, he can make him take this step. It must be different. .

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