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The sound of Shen Leng's slaughter was still untouched by Wuya, but he faintly replied, "Will I like it, isn't Dad the clearest one?"


The King of God slaps him on the desk case, looking at Wuya angrily, "How did you talk to your father?"

"I have always spoken this way, and it has been so ever since I spoke." Woundless is still unmoved. The anger of the God King is just an expression in his eyes, and he will not feel fear.

The King of God has always known the boundless temperament of Wuya. This is not the first time, and he did speak from the beginning.

"Are you blaming my dad?" God Wang let his voice soften, as if he felt guilty about the son.

Wuya looked up at him, "What is strange?"

He didn't understand this feeling.

The King of God was dumb-spoken by his words. He knows nothing about blame. Even if he really blame him at this time, he can feel it, but he has never understood this feeling, because he has been Deprived of seven emotions and six desires.

These feelings, boundlessness is not at all.

Thinking of this, God ’s voice softened a little bit, “Dad is for your good, and for everyone in God Realm, you need to know that you are hope and the eternal King of God Realm.”

Such a heavy responsibility, boundless and expressionless, seems to have nothing to do with him.

But he was brought up by these words since he was a child, and the responsibilities cultivated from childhood still have some responsibilities.

"I see." Frozen, answered without emotion.

Answering this way, God King is helpless.

"In this way, you know what you need, and you also need a descendant. Just Meng Chun, if you don't like, the woman of the **** domain, you can choose, but none of the magic domain." God Wang said toughly.

Meng Chun was also cultivated as a guard to protect the boundlessness. At that time, in order to cultivate their loyalty, boundlessness was the biggest. Meng Chun was the youngest and became their four sisters.

Three men, one woman, such an arrangement, he naturally also has an idea, just want to see if these three men will be emotional, if emotional, how to choose.

Fortunately, none of this is the case. Such training has been very successful for the King of God.

"Nobody." Wuji's voice was much colder. Meng Chun was only a guard, and he had less time in front of him. As for the other women, he didn't have any ideas, and he didn't want to inherit the ideas with them!

The look of the **** king was suddenly cold like ice, "You still like the devil king?"

"Dad tells me what I like, so I can give him an answer." Wuya lifted his eyes and said coldly.

The God King was captivated and said nothing. Wuya did n’t even know what he liked. How could he like Yunyi? He was confused, and after hearing some wind, he called Wuya.

No matter what, Wuya can't be with the people in Moyu.

"Since I don't know how to like it, it's the same for everyone. Go back to my father and help you choose a good one. The devil lord kicks out of the realm. Don't let her step into the realm again."

Wuya raised his eyes and stared directly at the King of God. "I don't want to marry anyone, and I can't control her. My father really wants to control it. Ask Ming Feng."

Yun Yi came to God's Land, but it wasn't that no one had blocked it, but there was Ming Phoenix here. Who dare to block it? Isn't that terrible?

Thinking of Ming Phoenix, the God King felt a headache. This was the one trained as a guard, the best one, but it turned out to be a **** because of a demon woman!

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