Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Suddenly hugged, Boundless Body stiffened, and then listening to her soft words, all the anger suddenly disappeared.

He turned around and took her into his arms. "Trust me, if there is no such problem, I will deal with it, you just have to wait to marry me."

Now that he wants to marry her, he also understands their hostile status, some consequences, and some visible obstacles. He has thought about it, and is trying to clear these obstacles to prevent these consequences.

He is not a reckless person, he has his own considerations.

Yun Yi looked up and stared at the boundless sky. His lines were three-dimensional, as if carved by God, but his coldness, at this moment, seemed to have some melting, which made her feel some warmth.

He looks good and always looks good. He said that he wanted to marry her and look better.

"You just need to be at ease with your marriage, don't worry about the others, you know?" Wuji saw her staring at him blankly, as if he didn't listen to him, and reached out and squeezed her nose.

Yun Yi returned to her head, nodded, and smiled stupidly, "Boundless, you look so good."

Wuya raised his eyebrows coldly, "Just because I look good? So stubbornly?"

"There is such a tacky reason, but there is something else, as long as it is you, I like it." Yun Yi hugged him tightly, only feeling that this was like a dream, very unreal, but yet It's true.

One more thing, she feels that she is developing very fast. When she talked to Wuya in the morning, she was still cold. Why did it pass in the morning, Wuya became like a person, she was very fond of her, and kissed her. Hug her and now say to marry her.

This is too real for her, but she is sure that he is boundless.

Yun Yi was upset in her heart, looking up at the boundless sky, "Why do you suddenly think about marrying me? Hug me with me?"

"Know what I want, and you are what I want, not to mention ..." Wuya looked at Yun Yi's eyes, and he stunned what he was about to say.

He didn't suddenly think about getting married, but he had the idea not long ago, but after thinking twice, it was determined that the troubles that would prevent them from getting married could be solved, the consequences could be prevented, and everything was thought out and ready before mentioning come out.

This is not a sudden thought, but a premeditated plan.

When he learned that he was going to get married, when he thought of the first person, and the only one was her, he had already planned it.

However, she didn't say it at this time, lest she should be so embarrassed that she would have more reason to ask him to kneel and wash the clothesboard.

"Not what?" Yun Yi blinked at Endless, let alone half of it.

Wonderland does not answer, just looks at her, "wish you, do you marry or not?"

Yun Yi nodded at him. Obviously it was not the answer at the beginning, but she still focused on, "Even if you have ulterior motives, I will marry."

"Stupid." Woundless rubbed her head, spoiled with action.

Yunyi stayed with Wuji for three days, he was very fond of her, and often hugged, kissed, and more importantly, the two went out of the temple and also held hands, or she helped Holding his arm, there was no taboo.

It was as if suddenly they were publicly announced that they were together, and she really felt these truths, not a dream.

For her, even if it was a dream, she did not want to wake up.

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